Title: So Shall It Forever Be: The Making of Satan (The Eternal Destiny Series Book 1)
Author: Chris Pagano
Publisher: WordHouse Book Publishing
ISBN: 978-1685471262
Pages: 108
Genre: Christian
Reviewed by: Lily Amanda
Hollywood Book Reviews
So Shall It Forever Be: The Making of Satan (The Eternal Destiny Series Book 1) by Chris Pagano rousts the puzzling and perplexing story of Lucifer, whose prideful nature has been opined to cause his ousting from heaven after a failed coup, which was to see him postured on the highest position of power and authority.
Pagano begins by highlighting a key event which would see Lucifer’s investiture to a higher rank. He was the angel of light whose build and talent stood out among other heavenly beings. The Lord didn’t leave anything to chance and thereby had the best dinnerware and beautifully carved ceremonial seats set, ready for this uncommon celebration. Intense preparations by indefatigable heavenly beings whose faces radiated with smiles jam-packed the heavenly space in which God would conduct the ceremony.
Matters were however to take a different turn after the Lord’s long speech when the now impatient celebrant stood to give his remarks. For the massive crowd gathered, it was crystal clear as to who was more spectacular in glory and might as the two stood side by side. Lucifer’s words and attitude would unbelievably display his displeasure in God’s peerless domination as beguiled by the initially lively crowd, and as a result delved him into deep jealousy which would see him craft a treacherous activity in the most sanctified place of all, heaven.
This ominous volume gives clear illustrations of the original purpose of Satan in the creation which has been shrouded in mystery for many, and will undoubtedly open readers’ eyes to deep spiritual knowledge and understanding on the reason why he remains a sworn enemy of God’s people. The author touches on the origin of wickedness as well as the unending battle between good and evil among other valuable content, in splendid storytelling that will capture the minds of new and seasoned readers. Contributing to the book’s uniqueness is its interesting title which has been well developed by striking characters such as Berlin, Boston, and Pride, among others, who will leave readers satisfied and longing for book two.
Pagano’s deeply researched So Shall It Forever Be: The Making of Satan (The Eternal Destiny Series Book 1) is certainly a unique read that carries an unusual blurb, and a rousing plot that places it in the category of must-read Christian publications, which perfectly fits as necessary resources for developing a believer’s faith and character.