Title: Peppered: Bullies Beware
Author:  Jody Isaackson
Publisher:  Jody Isaackson
ISBN: 978-1638717027
Pages: 70
Genre: Contemporary Fiction, Parenthood
Reviewed by: Lily Amanda

Hollywood Book Reviews

Peppered: Bullies Beware by Jody Isaackson is an engaging story and blistering resource that aims to reveal a proactive approach to the bullying and harassment practice in schools, a recalcitrant vice which has been rising notably with millions of children experiencing blustery while in or around a school environment.

Isaackson begins by introducing a former military service woman, Pepper Crandall, who now works for Moranell Foods company. She is driving home at nightfall when a rather disturbing setting unfolds in front of her eyes. A young teenage girl is desperately trying to climb over the Minnesota bridge in what looks like an attempt to end her life. Pepper’s military skills come in handy as she fights strong waters in an effort to rescue the distressed girl from drowning.

As Pepper listens to the young girl narrate her story, it is clear that just like many young students who have found themselves feeling unsafe and disrespected by impenitent seniors, this young girl’s self-esteem and progress in class has been declining sharply. She has constantly found herself at the mercies of three perpetrators who have been feeling superior to others due to the high level of authority their parents hold in the community. Consequently, it has become increasingly difficult for her to fit-in as a new student after undergoing a number of humiliations, such as having false evidence planted in her locker. Her predicaments are far from over when the intimidation becomes physical causing her to consider suicide than face the unbearable torments.

Isaackson’s moving storyline will have parents induced to a heightened level of vigilance where they carefully look for signs of fear and depression in their children and attempt to address their complaints and concerns quickly. The protagonist’s quick action to make the young woman feel safe at school is a reminder that bullies should be confronted not ignored, and that children must be encouraged to talk to adults occasionally on similar cases.

Peppered: Bullies Beware is a book that ardently confirms that no matter what form bullying may take, the results will always be severe distress and pain for the person being bullied. It is a great addition to a school’s Code of Conduct resources and its impact will see learners informed to recognize different forms of bullying within the school. Isaackson’s timely work of fiction has revealed crucial steps which will see students, parents, and tutors cripple such forms of turpitude once and for all.

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