Title: Ring of Love
Author: Marion Catterall
Publisher: Diamond Media Press Co.
Pages: 155
Genre: Literature & Fiction / Erotica/ Women’s Fiction
Reviewed by: Christina Avina

Hollywood Book Reviews

One of the hardest things a person can do in their personal lives is start over later in their life. Whether it is about changing one’s career or ending a long-term relationship or marriage, finding the courage and strength to end the path that has made you feel miserable or isolated and instead pursuing the thing that makes you passionate and happy again is one of the best decisions a person can make for themselves, and the path to discovering who a person really is, no matter how difficult or ridden with obstacles – it is almost always worth it.

In author Marion Catterall’s Ring of Love, she explores the concept of starting over and rediscovering oneself. Here, a middle-aged woman decides to leave her abusive husband and take back control of her life, moving to new relationships, new work, and a new life altogether. Filled to the brim with romantic trysts and engaging characters, the book explores what happens when we decide to move on and really start living our life to the fullest.

The author did a wonderful job of crafting a memorable and emotional read. The relatability and honesty with which she wrote the book spoke to the conviction and relatable ways in which many readers will be able to identify with the protagonist. The emotional weight of a lifetime of abusive relationships, mixed with the pressures and the hardships that come with dating in our modern world, and the international settings give readers a whirlwind adventure and passionate story of love-lost and love-found along the way. The balance the author exhibits with the fantastic character development mixed with the heat and passion of the more intimate and sexual in nature scenes makes this a gripping erotic-meets-romance novel readers won’t want to miss.

This is the perfect read for those who enjoy romance novels, especially those that involve drama, relationships, and some erotica. The wealth of character growth and story the author is able to develop in a fairly short yet powerful read was amazing to see come to life on the pages, while the themes of toxic relationships, self-discovery, and love all came through so eloquently in the context of the narrative.

Heartfelt, passionate, and entertaining, author Marion Catterall’s Ring of Love is a must-read novel. The honesty and depth for which the author told this story and the masterful approach to character development made this a thrilling novel to get lost in. The readers will find themselves both rooting for and identifying with the relatable story of the protagonist and what brought her to the brink of making this life-changing decision, and the whirlwind of emotions which stems from her experiences after her decision will keep fans eager for more from this strong and well-written author.

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