Title: Radioactive Era of Change
Author: Isaiah Lopez
Publisher: Page Publishing, Inc.
ISBN: 978-1662426032
Pages: 598
Genre: Hard Science Fiction / Action & Adventure
Reviewed by: Jack Chambers


Hollywood Book Reviews

One of mankind greatest weaknesses and oftentimes its most disastrous flaw is our inability to control ourselves from fearing change or the unknown. The moment a person or group of people arrives who doesn’t fit into the narrative which society tells itself, many people start to feel the fear of their existence as they know it coming to an end, and in that fear, something snaps. In the best cases, it is an outburst or rant that through calm discussion can lead to a better understanding, and yet in the worst of cases, as our society sees today, violence and rage can quickly be fueled by fear.

In author Isaiah Lopez’s Radioactive Era of Change, the author explores this flaw in humanity through a tale of superheroes and mankind’s reaction to them. When a young man awakens from a coma with a missing arm and no memories, he discovers he and several other people were granted powerful new abilities. Living in quarantine after surviving a meteor impact which destroyed and changed the United States Eastern Seaboard, the man leads a group of friends and allies against a growing threat, discovering groups of people who have experimented on others like himself, and a powerful foe with a hatred for the new race of superpowered beings that have been introduced into society.

The author did an incredible job of world building in this novel. The shocking opening scene of the novel really sets the tone, with the shock and awe of the protagonist’s circumstances bringing both an adrenaline rush and sense of emotional wonder as they discover their new circumstances. The natural character progression and volume of diversity and inclusion that the narrative and cast of characters embody in this novel were amazing to see come to life on the page, and the action-packed scenes of heroic battles and lighthearted character interactions made the story feel both balanced and almost cinematic in its delivery through some pretty powerful imagery in the author’s writing style.

This is the perfect book for those who enjoy superheroes, especially those who enjoy a healthy mix of mythology building, sci-fi, action & adventure, and an almost mature graphic novel style of writing. The story will especially speak to readers who enjoy the maturity of a Wolverine comic with the discovery and wonder of the iconic and classic X-Men comics. The balance the author found between the world building and the character development helps to bring the readers into the narrative on a more personal level, and keeps the suspense of the plot thick and easy to get lost in.

Shocking, entertaining, and mesmerizing, author Isaiah Lopez’s Radioactive Era of Change is a must-read sci-fi and fantasy read. The twists and turns in the narrative and the adrenaline-fueled final battle all culminates in a heartfelt and satisfying conclusion which will both engage and inspire readers. The inclusive, mature, and thrilling nature of the narrative and the way the story felt like Marvel’s The X-Men meeting Umbrella Academy helped bring a sense of both fun and suspense and will keep readers entertained long after the story concludes.

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