Title: Gone with the World Wars: God’s Love Heals All Wounds
Author: Hildegard Bonacker Bruni
Publisher: Xulon Press
ISBN: 978-1662847103
Pages: 544
Genre: Historical Germany Biographies / Consciousness & Thought
Reviewed by: Jack Chambers
Hollywood Book Reviews
It is often said history is written by the winners. In that regard, it is often those who emerge victorious or accomplish their goals in life that are looked upon the most favorably in any given situation. There are many instances of this, as many considered Rome one of the greatest empires ever built despite the lack of morality which often occurred at the higher levels of society, or when the United States “won” the space race in the 1960s despite Russia’s equally advanced space program. One of the most infamous cases of this had to be during both World Wars, in which many German citizens and surrounding nations were grouped together with those who fought and bought into the propaganda of the ruling governments at that time.
In author Hildegard Bonacker Bruni’s Gone with the World Wars: God’s Love Heals All Wounds, the author shares her family’s complex history of surviving WWII and the impact both world wars had on many of the families within and near Germany. Telling the story of her and her family’s experiences, and the impact their shared faith had on them as they fought for survival, the author explores the causes of the wars, the difference between those who created the problems which led to war and those who were forced into conflict, and the tragedy that became of the innocent people displaced by the war in the end.
The author does a wonderful job of balancing the book with both historical records and discussion with memoir storytelling. The detail the author provides was astounding, both for her family’s history and lineage and the heart of the conflict during both world wars. The tragic events which brought such chaos and loss on so many around the world often focus on the many cultures and people who lost their lives during the war outside of Germany and its surrounding neighbors. Yet rarely do history buffs and non-fiction readers get the opportunity to hear firsthand from someone how the people in these areas learned of the conflict and fought to live during those tumultuous times during the conflict. The author’s Prussian background and the impact the war had on her family were greatly invested and brought to life in this book, which will keep readers honed in on the author’s personal struggles.
This is the perfect read for those who enjoy non-fiction books, particularly those who enjoy history, philosophical and introspective journeys, and books with a Christian background for the subjects of the memoir. The emotional and spiritual struggles and achievements the author details in this book are inspiring, and showcase the strength of the human spirit as it comes into contact with these crushing events. The balance which is found in these subjects and the honest approach to the writing style really allows readers to feel the emotional connection of the author and her family, and her shared experiences during that time.
Memorable, enlightening and captivating, author Hildegard Bonacker Bruni’s Gone with the World Wars: God’s Love Heals All Wounds is a must-read non-fiction and historical book readers won’t be able to put down. The detail-oriented writing style and the emotional background of the author’s family and her experiences all culminate in a book filled with tragedy and triumph, and the overall healing that comes with putting your trust in your faith during these difficult times.