Title: Concealed
Author: Dan W. Roberts
Publisher: AuthorHouse
ISBN: 978-1504948517
Pages: 366
Genre: Suspense / Thriller / Adventure/ Fiction
Reviewed by: Ephantus M.
Hollywood Book Reviews
Concealed by author Dan W. Roberts tells of a decorated Muslim pilot who finds himself a person of interest under the watchful lenses of an intelligence team, as well as an insurgent group, owing to his sad history with his motherland’s sworn enemy, as well as his unique technical craft.
Having graduated from the prestigious National Military Academy in Kabul, Ashraf prides himself in his meticulous sense of planning and technical know-how, which has seen him maneuver around one of the world’s largest passenger aircraft, to seemingly do the unimaginable. His life and political inclination have greatly shifted since the U.S.-led attack that unfortunately claimed the lives of his wife and children, as they made their way to her family’s customary village near Baghlan in the Pamirs. An anti-social behavior has thus developed and shockingly seen him descend into depression, as unfathomable pain intensely continues to eat into his soul, every day.
Author Roberts has created a character whose proficiency, intelligence, and hard work may offer the aviation industry a monumental and revolutionary pilot training device. However, a twist comes up in the first few pages as he tells of the dark thoughts which creep up in the character’s mind, after making significant tech improvements that deem it possible to render a plane invisible to the world. A sense of wanting revenge is whispered as the tale advances, and the introduction of Nazira, whose charm sweeps this main character off his feet, is a game-changer readers will want to observe.
Author Roberts’ mention of the significant strides that Al-Qaeda has taken to prepare itself for the next “9/11”-style attack against the U.S. is a heinous scheme that ably raises the stakes, in the formulation of the holiest of missions, which will give the word “concealed” a completely new meaning. These details and other disclosures make this text a worthy adoption into a deeply suspenseful and satisfying action movie or series. Written and narrated with utmost distinction, Concealed will knock you off your feet with its numerous surprises and twists. It is conclusively an aviation page-turner which delivers a diverse and well-developed cast of characters, non-stop action, and unrelenting uncertainty. Buckle up and get ready for a wild ride!