Title: ABC Book of Buying and Selling Real Estate
Author: Thaddeus Faulknor
Publisher: PageTurner Press and Media
ISBN: 979-8-88963-965-7
Pages: 156
Genre: Non-fiction
Reviewed by: Michaela Gordoni

Hollywood Book Reviews


Written by real estate mogul Thaddeus Faulknor, The ABC Book of Buying and Selling Real Estate offers readers tips, tricks, and sage house-buying advice any prospective homeowner can benefit from. Faulknor walks readers through the many steps of home buying, many of which most people skip or don’t even think about. From locating a good realtor to spotting defects, consulting a structural engineer, or finding the best bargain, Faulknor provides a comprehensive approach to home buying in the U.S.

It is easy to trust Faulknor’s advice because he demonstrates his experience. He also shares first-hand stories and examples that are very helpful and help establish his credibility with the reader. Though it is designed for first-time home buyers, Faulknor also gives readers a briefing on how to sell homes.

Faulknor makes a sincere effort to convey to his audience purchasing a home is not something that should be taken lightly. He is very blunt about what buyers should not waste their time on. Even though a lot of it seems like common sense, he demonstrates a lot of people still do illogical things and shows how to plan everything out so readers can take the correct approach to buying a house. When buyers don’t know what they want or if they want to look at houses they know they aren’t going to buy, it not only wastes their time but the realtor’s too.

The brevity of the book is much appreciated. If it were any longer, it would be harder to keep track of all the important details. The cover art and photos throughout are also attractive and well selected. For people who feel overwhelmed by the home-buying process, the information in this book is tremendously helpful – even essential. As someone who has not bought a home yet, I now feel much more confident and prepared for buying my first home after reading this. 

Faulkner provides a comprehensive overview of the house-buying process. He gives instructions on how to do a small pre-inspection, advice on how to identify aspects that impact a property’s worth, uncommon wisdom, and altogether just a ton of extremely useful knowledge vital for home buying. It could be improved with a dose of editing, but it is overall a great resource for any first-time home buyer.

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