Title: A Shepherd to Fools
Author: Drew Mendelson
Publisher: Bookmarc Alliance
ISBN: 978-1664187825
Pages: 448
Genre: Literature and Fiction
Reviewed by: Ephantus M.
Hollywood Book Reviews
A Shepherd to Fools is the second of author Drew Mendelson’s trilogy of Vietnam War novels. In this read, a well-laid-out deceit comes into play, to ensure the withholding of truth regarding a legendary myth.
The Vietnam jungle where the Hatchet Team of US soldiers has converged is cramming up with vicious strains of mosquitos and low hums of other insects – as rumors of a new battle plan begin to spread. Author Mendelson portrays the leading officer, Englander, as a barbaric, sneering, and disrespectful leader to every regular army soldier, and his junior Captain Weisman as one of the individuals whose emotions have been greatly destabilized by Englander’s ominous demeanor and deeply distressing attitude. Weisman is tasked with tracing on the map the route to their new target but can’t help but feel worried, not because of the steepness of the topography but the realization the land beyond the familiar Sông Re, is purely wild, and solely utilized by the Viet Cong.
In this book, readers will meet a war veteran who – in first person narrative – tells of his horrifying experiences and the nature of his current mission. “I suppose I’ve been in Vietnam too long for that, but entry into such unfamiliar territory always raises a knot of unease in my gut”. His team sadly keeps reducing in number, raising the stakes in the plot with every impression of a new menace.
The sound of artillery, whispers of possible ambushes, and dark trails integrate to create a battle thrill that will send a reader’s flight hormones over the roof. Fear of villains such as the NVA and Pathet Lao troops keep the protagonist’s team on their toes, and readers will find it difficult to put down the book as erratic close twists unravel ceaselessly, all throughout the read.
In A Shepherd to Fools, author Mendelson presents a string of new, likable characters, such as Bridget, who ably bring the plot to a satisfying culmination as well as an immaculate reveal of some of the main characters’ hidden emotions and presumptions. This second installment will take a reader back to the historic Vietnam War’s deathly scenes, and without a doubt leave them affrighted for weeks, but on the contrary, awesomely believing in the constancy of truth and sacrifice. Great work!