Title: Piece by Piece 
Author: Deborah White
Publisher: Ewings Publishing LLC 
ISBN: 979-8890313331
Pages: 158
Genre: Christian Books / Christian Living
Reviewed by: Christina Avina

Hollywood Book Reviews

One of the most difficult parts of life for people is how to find ways of experiencing and living through trauma. In all stages of life, a person will experience one or another form of tragedy, and no matter how profound and heartbreaking the experience may be, having the means of coping with that tragedy is vital to the growth we need to become our truest, best selves. For many, that coping comes with a profound sense of faith, including their belief in Christianity.

In author Deborah White’s Piece by Piece, the author explores the trials and tribulations of her life and showcases how her relationship with God and Christianity, as a whole, evolved over time. From escaping the horrors of abuse and having a new family welcome her into their lives, to the journey into marriage and the discovery of faith in the face of those crisis, the book showcases the author’s overwhelming bond with her faith, and the ways in which faith guided the author through some troubling moments in her life.

One of the central themes of this book, aside from the author’s faith in God, is the theme of healing and forgiveness. Throughout the book, the author illustrates through the lessons and events of her life how time and time again, the need for faith and hope was significantly felt, and through the hardships and struggles in her life, the need to find time to heal and learn and overcome those challenges became necessary. Holding onto that pain and allowing it to run her life was not an option, and finding the strength through her faith to forgive and move on with her life, became a pivotal moment and turning point in her journey.

This is the perfect read for those who enjoy non-fiction books, especially those which explore the idea of living life through Christianity, and this book is for those who enjoy religious texts as a whole. The memoir style of writing allows the reader to connect to the author on a much more personal level, and the honesty of the author’s writing showcased a depth of emotion and perseverance which inspired and humbled the reader all at the same time, allowing readers to feel the power of her relationship with God and the strength it took to move on from those tragic moments in her life.