Title: The Saga of Bridget and Amanda: Book One of the New World
Author: Carole Love Forbes
Publisher: URLink Print and Media
ISBN: 9781684863983
Pages: 234
Genre: Fiction / Screenplay
Reviewed by: Anthony Avina
Hollywood Book Reviews
If there is one truth in this world, it is that no matter what era or time period it is, women have had to endure so much. The history of the world has shown so many strong, talented, and powerful women who have had to endure trauma, hardship, and inequality for far too long, and the strength they exude in the face of those odds is a source of inspiration many people could learn from.
From that strength, author Carole Love Forbes brings readers a tale of resilience and courage in the face of great injustices and the promise of a New World in the story The Saga of Bridget and Amanda, the first book in The New World Series. Two different women from very different walks of life both find themselves on a boat to the New World, each brought there by circumstances beyond their control. After arriving in The New World, each woman is tested and pushed through trials and tribulations, forging their own path and learning how to survive in a cruel and thankless society.
Instantly, readers are treated to a detailed, authentic, and moving story. The rich development of these characters, from their mannerisms and speech to the honest reactions to these changing landscapes and harsh realities, allows the readers to be transported as they step into the chaos of the new world. The authenticity the author brought to the book allowed for a much grander and engaging use of imagery, with each scene depicted not only feeling immersive but emotionally charged for both the characters and the readers, as if the story were being performed right in front of the readers or “audience.”
Using a screenplay style of writing really brought out the raw emotions and powerful narrative. While both women faced a haunting new reality and overwhelming odds, each trauma and the relationships that they formed spoke to the untold stories of so many women like them which helped shape American history into what the world knows it to be today. The attention to detail, as well as the historical presence in the narrative and the balance the author was able to find between storytelling and historical fiction made this such a brilliant and compelling story to get lost in.