Title: A Snake At My Shoulder
Author: Joan Kenny
Publisher: Go To Publish
ISBN: 978-1647495350
Pages: 304
Genre:  Literature & Fiction
Reviewed by: Aly Avina



Hollywood Book Reviews

Every now and then a book comes along that feels as though it changes you just by having read it. It makes you think about how one’s inner psyche and life experiences can change them into the individual you see before you today. This was that book for me. Throughout this novel, we see that to move on from your past and become your best, truest self, you have to look inward. You need to face your inner demons head-on and learn not only why they are there, but what they are trying to teach you going forward. This is one of the biggest themes in A Snake At My Shoulder by Joan Kenny.

In this book, we meet Audrey, a young professional who, upon her return to rural Canada from England after the sudden death of her brother, James, finds herself in the hospital after a car accident. The plot then follows her journey to figure out the events which led up to the accident that ultimately led her to her stay in the hospital. In doing so, she begins to recall earlier memories from her life which reveals the harsh and ugly truth of the root of her inner torment. The roads begin to lead back to her dangerous cousin Straun, as well as the trials and tribulations she faced in her childhood due to her troubled home life.

The symbolism throughout this book is truly inspired and brought a level of depth to the book which immediately draws the reader in and makes them fully invested in Audrey’s life and where it goes from here. Particularly the accident itself, because it is what jumpstarts the process of Audrey’s healing process, not just physically but emotionally as well. The duality of the tender, happier moments contrasting with the heartbreaking memories Audrey is facing perfectly mimics her beginnings contrasting with who she has become as a woman.

The truth is trauma sustained during childhood has a direct effect on who we become as people. The way the author seamlessly illustrates this with a well-paced flow of the plot itself is truly remarkable. I also enjoyed the show of strength that it takes for one to face their inner demons once and for all and how it, in the end, can help you begin to truly heal. Kenny’s way of creating a sympathetic and genuine character in this emotionally-charged novel such as this was incredible to experience first-hand.

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