Title: A White Man’s China
Author: George Jaeggi
Publisher: Gnome Book Writing
ISBN: 978-1958400784
Pages: 128
Genre: Asian & Asian American Biographies
Reviewed by: Anthony Avina
Hollywood Book Reviews
Unless someone is willing to walk a mile in another person’s shoes, it is always easier to judge someone when someone doesn’t have all of the answers or experiences that person has. In a world often divided amongst itself, the fanning of the flames allows division and mistrust to rule people’s minds and hearts, and see enemies or suspicion where there is light. The only way a person can truly find the best in another person is to experience their life for themselves, as well as their culture and the land they call home.
The division that currently exists between the nations of China and the United States are the best example of that, and in author George Jaeggi’s, A White Man’s China, the author explores the experiences and learning moments from his time in China. The book explores both the culture and the locations the author experienced firsthand, and how it not only applied to the author’s business outlook on life, but on his life in general as well.
Honest and open is immediately what the reader feels when diving into this book. The author never shies away from the vast experience this trip brought to his life. The mixture of history and culture in this book was phenomenal, allowing the reader to get a firm grasp on how powerful a nation China really is. The unique elements of the author’s book can be found in the facts and lessons the author learned during his time there, from the cities that house millions of people in each city (with Shanghai housing over 25 million), to the fact most major cities in China have people plaza dance rituals that date back to Ancient Chinese history. The detail and the passion for which the author conveys this history and culture allows the reader to feel transported, as if experiencing the trip for themselves as the author relays these moments.
A steady passion for travel and learning has always been the foundation for fans of non-fiction reading, but this book also captures a love of history, culture, and in particular a fascination with China. The way the author showcased not only the larger cities but the smaller towns and even took the time to explore the business etiquette expected of people when meeting for the first time, allowed the reader to feel immersed in the culture and the author’s personal experiences. The way the author takes readers beyond the “tourist” areas of China and gets to the heart of what makes the country and its people tick will keep readers invested in this book, as will the author’s personal connection to the book and the experiences he had along the way. If you haven’t yet, be sure to grab your copy today!