Title: All Over The World Boys Behaving Badly
Author: Brynn Sommerlynn
Publisher: Westwood Books Publishing LLC
ISBN: 978-1643617770
Pages: 184
Genre: Autobiography/Non-fiction
Reviewed by: Anthony Avina

Hollywood Book Reviews

One of the biggest topics of discussion in the evolving world we live in has to be the discussion of what defines a man. As director Barry Jenkins once said, “Sometimes, how you ingest this idea of masculinity as projected onto you by the world could be the difference of life and death.” In author Brynn Sommerlynn’s book All Over The World Boys Behaving Badly, one woman challenges the concept of masculinity and the disappearance of the traditional man.

In this book, the author fully explores the nature of the world today in terms of society. Delving into the question of how men’s behavior has changed drastically, how women’s roles in the typical American Society have changed, and overall how it has affected the family as well. Meshing personal stories from the author’s life with historical context and how the evolution of manhood has come about, the book explores what some people believe to be the epidemic of the disappearing traditional American man.

This was a creative, vivid and powerful read. The author does a great job of speaking with a distinct personality that instantly grabs the reader and keeps them engrossed in the subject of each chapter. The exploration of American society and how men and women have not only changed over time, but how the author relates the change in defining manhood in modern times has led to an increase in unhappy women in the modern era. The use of historical events such as the American Women’s Liberation of the 60’s and its impact on events today was interesting to read.

This is a book for anyone who enjoys partial autobiographies, non-fiction reads and has a desire to either explore and has a desire to live in a traditional setting in their life. This book speaks to those who have traditional viewpoints on defining men and women, their roles in the world and the biggest splitting point between men and women (in the author’s summation), romance vs sex. It is a firm exploration of a very touchy subject that the author dives into fearlessly.

This is a fascinating read that many traditionalists will thoroughly enjoy. A bold writing style along with a fairly quick and easy pace to the narrative makes this a unique read for those questioning the lack of what has been for years what is known as Traditional American viewpoints on family, manhood, gender roles and society as a whole. If these subjects interests you one way or another, be sure to grab author Brynn Sommerlynn’s book All Over The World Boys Behaving Badly today!

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