Title:  Being the Way
Author:  Rev. Patrick McAndrew D.R.S.
Publisher:  LitFire Publishing LLC
ISBN:   978-1641518208
Genre:  Religious
Pages:  176
Reviewed by:  Lisa Brown-Gilbert

Hollywood Book Reviews

While people are mired in the confines of a world that seemingly remains steeped in confusion and fear, it becomes easier to lose sight of the true beauty of life, our blessed inherent nature, and the active divinity within it; as a side effect, your grip on faith devolves tenuously, at best. However, there exist those whose voices can clarify and lead others who need to reaffirming a better spiritual relationship within themselves as well as with the divine.

One such voice is Reverend Patrick McAndrew, whose encouraging work Being the Way, promotes a uniquely enlightening focus on being in the loving, energetic flow of life. Ultimately, experiencing the love that exists around you, by allowing the good to flow to you, paired with the fundamentals of the spiritually based mindset of gratitude, letting go and changing your personal perspective on life and reality leading to a higher, more desirable, level of consciousness.

Altogether, this inspirational narrative posits a journey to spiritual expansion with the story told through the compilation of author McAndrews personal experiences and compelling spirited insights, fueled by the comparative exploration of the spiritual teachings of Jesus Christ as well as many other spiritual masters. Albeit, the primary focus remains on deeply exploring the teachings of Jesus, exemplified by virtue of his life, tenets, and parables, looking at his teachings from a differing perspective more metaphysical in nature, due to author McAndrew’s spiritual roots being based in the Unity Church teachings which delve into studying the Bible, by examining it from a perspective of the teachings as spiritual and metaphorical truth rather than literal truth.

Consequently, the overall book provides an intelligently presented culmination of food for spiritual thought, fraught with paradigm-challenging insights and lessons well-clarified and exemplified and written in an honest, hopeful, and overall authoritative voice. Moreover, Reverend Patrick McAndrew elucidates how God works through us and for us with soul-filling truths, delving into such psyche penetrating principles as; Ascension is a rising up in consciousness, God is between the space of your thoughts, Love’s presence is always around us, and the four spiritual faculties needed to embark on your personal spiritual journey (faith, strength, spiritual discernment and love). Additionally, fueling the lessons in the book author McAndrew further expands his teachings with the inclusion of insightful references to the Star Wars movie, The Force Awakens, which I found to be quite thought-provoking.

Altogether, Being the Way provided a read which I enjoyed intensely.  It is ripe with plenty of stimulating spiritual food for thought and something I would refer to as a spiritual guidebook as needed in the future. Author Reverend Patrick McAndrew created a memorable read with his poignant points concerning balancing the worlds of the infinite potential and manifest life. Although the entire book was an impactful read there were parts that stood out to me personally. Firstly, the very humorous story concerning George Bush and also on a more serious note is the particularly interesting premise concerning perceived enemies in life. Overall, this is definitely a game-changing book for spiritual seekers to add to their library.

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