Title: Between Tomorrow and Yesterday
Author: Ev’one-yaY Eulasson
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 978-1524558611
Pages: 190
Genre: Play & Scriptwriting  / Writing Reference/Playwriting
Reviewed by: Anthony Avina

Hollywood Book Reviews

One of humanity’s oldest and most preserved means of both entertainment and expression has always been plays. From the Ancient Greeks to the age of Shakespeare and modern-day Broadway, plays and musicals have always been a means of showcasing artistry and creativity while conveying an important message. As William Shakespeare once said, “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages.”

In author Ev’one-yaY Eulasson’s Between Tomorrow and Yesterday, the author explores the concept of violence and compassion between the twelfth and twenty first centuries through the exploration of two plays. Each script explores the question of whether humanity as a whole has displayed a change in behavior that shows less violence and murder and more compassion. Between a musical comedy based upon Shakespeare’s Macbeth and a satire of the “black theatrical expression,” the author hopes to highlight both the changes and similarities over time on how mankind approaches its more violent tendencies and the enormous potential for compassion.

This was such an incredible and unique read. The author explores the futility of power and corruption and the depth of compassion all at once throughout both of these plays. The way the author uses these plays from very different eras to underscore the devastation and pointlessness of violence and murder within human society throughout all of history is inspired and meaningful, while the heart and emotion which these plays touch upon are felt throughout the entirety of these plays. Yet what also is evident is the attention to detail the author puts into incorporating these plays, as the author sets up the characters and their motivations, the overall story and then gives the reader to play out the productions and scripts within their own minds, creating a really interesting play on imagery.

This is the perfect read for those that enjoy creative arts and theater-based narratives, in particular non-fiction reads which educate and utilize theater productions in order to not only teach acting and theater work, but to emphasize an important theme or message hidden within the example plays. As a fan of theatre, it was interesting to see the production and writing that goes into these plays from a behind-the-scenes aspect, while also inspiring to see how the author showcased the important themes of these plays.

A masterful, engaging, and thought-provoking read, author Ev’one-yaY Eulasson’s Between Tomorrow and Yesterday is a must-read nonfiction book. The way the author utilizes fictional stories set in a play script format to educate and highlight the themes these plays represent was a truly inspiring choice of format, and a creative tool to help educate and experience the plays for themselves.

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