Title: Bloodline – The Legend of Wind Walker
Author: Carol Colson
Publisher: Author Reputation Press
ISBN: 978-1938596285
Pages: 228
Genre: Historical Fiction
Reviewed by: Lily Amanda
Hollywood Book Reviews
Bloodline -The Legend of Wind Walker is a compulsively readable coming-of-age embroidery by author Carol Colson which follows Nhaya, a sixteen-year-old girl of Native American descent. Before her father’s death three years ago, Nhaya spent most of her time with her father in the mountains learning about her indigenous heritage, which he was proud of and intended to continually pass down to her. He had gifted her a bone necklace that had belonged to the tribal shaman and had been passed down to the tribes before them.
After his death, Nhaya began experiencing strange dreams that revealed an old woman, standing in front of her who seemed to have an important message for her. Telling her mother proved to be unhelpful as she vehemently forbid her from any activities regarding her family’s native traditions. Was there a mystery to the markings on the simple piece of petrified bone necklace? What was the connection between this, her recurring dreams, and her native descent? Who was the Wind Walker and what role did she play in Nhaya’s life?
Bloodline -The Legend of Wind Walker is a remarkable odyssey of one family’s history, culture, past and present, a tale of sauntering set barriers and of discovering oneself. Paced like a thriller, the page-turning story introduces a cast of characters that are linked to the main plot collectively delivering a heartfelt wallop. Infused with sizeable bits of Biblical scriptures, the text serves as a moral compass for young people and adults alike. It further shows the complex dynamics of a family to remain true to their heritage.
Carol Colson offers a stunning meditation of information and relationships about the Native Americans. It’s also an opportunity to help raise awareness about the unique challenges the population has faced both throughout history and continues through today. Colson’s work felt so familiar and felt like I was eavesdropping into the characters’ lives as I flipped the pages. Altogether, Bloodline -The Legend of Wind Walker is a powerful construction force in Native American literature. Colson is a brilliant writing-artist and this novel shows it.