Title: Cat Tales: Da Real Pussy
Author: Mick E. Jones
Publisher: PageTurner Press and Media
ISBN: 978-1643767956
Pages: 68
Genre: Inspirational/Animals
Reviewed by: Christina Avina
Hollywood Book Reviews
Cats have had a mysterious air attached to their personalities throughout their history. In truth, there have always been major differences between the personalities of dogs versus cats in modern history. These differences have often been pointed to when someone makes the decision as to which they prefer as a pet. In fact, there are those who draw very strict lines in the sand when referring to themselves as either a dog or a cat person. Where cats are concerned, they tend to be regarded as intelligent, regal if not aloof. Cats were held up as religious or spiritual animals in ancient Egypt and Pharaoh’s looked to them for strength and wisdom. It is really no wonder why people can be instantly drawn to felines; even when they don’t think of themselves as a “cat person.”
In author Mick. E. Jones book Cat Tales: Da Real Pussy we see various cats through the author’s eyes, and we learn very quickly how different their personalities can be. The author takes us on a spiritual journey while introducing us to some very interesting felines along the way. The associations between the different cat personalities with human counterparts throughout the book are well woven into the story. Author Mick E. Jones also shows us his vulnerability with his growing love and admiration of the cats he spotlights in Cat Tales: Da Real Pussy.
This title is a shorter read and very well written. The author provides plenty of personality descriptors to each of the cats featured in the book, and there is no lack of imagery to bring the reader straight into the story. He captures the independent nature of cats perfectly, but he also manages to highlight the loving bond that cats have with their owners in a very honest way. From a spiritual aspect the author does well at showing us the connection between man, animals and a higher being. When we let our guard down and look at creatures for who they are it becomes more difficult to deny this spiritual connection.
What author Mick E. Jones does well in this book is to walk us through the life of a cat, or several cats, effectively and gives us a glimpse into their complex psyche. He in effect humanizes them and lifts that air of mystery off of their heads. He puts a fun spin on things to keep it light and reminds us that we all have our place in this world. This was a very enjoyable read for any cat lover and I highly recommend adding this to your library.