Author Spotlight Listing

Home/Author Spotlight Listing

Author Spotlight: Terrence Steven Lake

Title: God’s Child: Memoirs and Philosophy of Life Author: Terrence Steven Lake Publisher: GoldTouch Press, LLC ISBN: 978-1954673908 Pages: 142 Genre: Worship & Devotion Synopsis Terrence Steven Lake grew up black in Hamtramck, Michigan, with friends of all different colors. While he could get along with everyone, he also spoke his mind. For instance, there

Author Spotlight: Linda Freeny

Title: The Dogs of Lenin Author: Linda Freeny Publisher: Toplink Publishing, LLC ISBN: 978-1949502688 Pages: 476 Genre: Suspense Thrillers/Literature & Fiction Synopsis The DOGS OF LENIN involves a doomed love story about the main characters, Lisa Danton and Grant Chandler. From the moment they met they knew that each would follow a different path but

Author Spotlight:  Brian Ray Brewer

Title:  Emerald Greed Author:  Brian Ray Brewer Publisher:  GoldTouch Press, LLC ISBN: 978-1955347112 Pages:  222 Genre:  Fiction / Adventure   Synopsis Emerald Greed is an adventure set in the Pantanal, vast, inhospitable wetlands in the center of South America at the headwaters of the Rio Paraguay. This book tells of the emerald trade, cocaine smuggling

Author Spotlight: Cheryl Hammack

Title: The Life and Times of a Pioneer Family Author:  Cheryl Hammack Publisher: Gold Touch Press ISBN: 978-1-955347-57- 0 Pages: 74 Genre: Historical fiction Synopsis This is a non-fictional adventure book about the life and time of a pioneer family living in the 1800's.This family went through two Generations good and hard times and adventures

Author Spotlight: Alister Mackinnon

Title: Monster Mania: The Love Story of Many Dreams Author: Alister Mackinnon Publisher: Westbow Press ISBN: 978-1733226561 Pages: 222 Genre: Christian Books & Bibles / Literature & Fiction Synopsis The story is set on the mid 1940s on a Hebridean island o‑ Scotland. Two words describe this book, love and dreams. Two young children find

Author Spotlight: Richard Haldeman

Title: Charles Haldeman: A Memoir; Mid-Century Journeys of a Vagabond Author Author: Richard Haldeman Publisher: Page Publishing, Inc. ISBN:  978-1647010546 Pages: 212 Genre: Author Biographies/Memoirs/Arts & Literature Synopsis Charles Haldeman (1931-83) was a man with unusual literary and artistic abilities who sought to identify his and his generation's mission in the world of the

Charles Haldeman

Title: Charles Haldeman: A Memoir; Mid-Century Journeys of a Vagabond Author Author: Richard Haldeman Publisher: Page Publishing, Inc. ISBN:  978-1647010546 Pages: 212 Genre: Author Biographies/Memoirs/Arts & Literature Reviewed by: Tony Espinoza Hollywood Book Reviews It is often said that life is not about the destination, but the journey to get to that destination. A

Author Spotlight: John Ayang

Title: The Mirror Apocalypse Author: John Ayang Publisher: LifeRich Publishing ISBN: 978-1489711854 Pages: 326 Genre: Literature & Fiction/Religious Literature & Fiction Synopsis The Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church condemns in vitro fertilization (IVF) as a morally unacceptable method of human reproduction. But when Father Cletus Nicholas McCarthy is outed in court as the

Author Spotlight: Ron Carpenter

Title: Bush Pilot Author: Ron Carpenter Publisher: Independently published ISBN: 979-8673329603 Pages: 119 Genre: Traveler, Biography/Memoir Synopsis A foundling wandering by the railroad tracks, Ron Carpenter was found and fostered by a young woman when he was two and a half years old. At the age of eleven, he started to find a job, had

Author Spotlight: Isabel Cintra

Title: The Princess and the MirrorAuthor: Isabel CintraPublisher: Underline Publishing LLCISBN: 978-1949868241Pages: 26Genre: Children’s Fairytale SynopsisWhen the desire for extreme beauty tries to overcome love and vanity becomes the most precious asset, a sweet and very wise fairy appears to turn everything into harmony again. A beautiful fairy tale about kings, queens, princesses, with lots of