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It’s Not About the Money

Title: It’s Not About the Money: Creating a Fulfilling Life Author: Chuck Denison Publisher: BookWhip ISBN: 978-1948801461 Pages: 106 Genre: Biographies Reviewed by: Jack Chambers Hollywood Book Reviews One of life’s toughest moments has to be when a parent watches their child grow up and leave the house to find their own place in

The Adventures of Marvin and Spinster

Title:  The Adventures of Marvin and Spinster Author:  Vincent Staschiak Publisher:  Page Publishing ISBN:  978-1-6624-7966-3 Pages:  30 Genre:  Illustrated Children’s Book Reviewed by:  Beth Adams Hollywood Book Reviews Only in the fanciful world of personified animals and insect characters frolicking in nature, can a question such as this be answered: What does a bird

The Adventures of George Lee

Title: The Adventures of George Lee: A Race Against Time Author: Orville Mann Publisher: XlibrisUS ISBN: 9781543415209 Pages: 198 Genre: Action & Adventure / Fiction Reviewed by: Gabriella Harrison Hollywood Book Reviews In Orville Mann's The Adventures of George Lee: A Race Against Time, some nefarious world powers are keen on starting World War III.

Aren and Élise

Title: Aren and Élise Author: Ettenig Sayam Publisher: Ewings Publishing, LLC ISBN: 979-8886400984 Pages: 308 Genre: Romance Reviewed by: Lily Amanda   Hollywood Book Reviews “There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment.” Sarah Dessen. Aren and Élise is a

World’s End and the Sea Angle

Title: World's End and the Sea Angle Author: Yank Shi Publisher: Book Baby ISBN: 978-1098359607 Genre: Science Fiction / Fantasy / Romance Pages: 300 Reviewed by: Lily Amanda   Hollywood Book Reviews World’s End and the Sea Angle by Yank Shi is a wholesome, piercing romance novel, which welcomes readers to the glow and

Forty Years to Life

Title: Forty Years to Life Author: Brenda Bradford Ward Publisher: Goldtouch Press, LLC ISBN: 978-1959143055 Pages: 526 Genre: Parent & Adult Child Relationships / Job Hunting & Career Guides Reviewed by: Tony Espinoza   Hollywood Book Reviews   In our modern world, one of the most contentious topics of discussion, especially in the United States

Lizla, the Daughter of Isis

 Title:  Lizla, the Daughter of Isis: The Birth of a Soul in a Crumbling EmpireAuthor:  Lilian NirupaPublisher: ‎ Author’s Tranquility PressISBN: ‎ 195945305XPages: ‎ 200Genre:  FictionReviewed by:  David Allen  Hollywood Book ReviewsThe mythology they taught back in grade school was heavy-handed, unapologetic, and freighted with dozens if not hundreds of names - gods, goddesses, demiurges, Titans - the whole

Around the World in 12 Years and 12 Square Meters

Title: Around the World in 12 Years and 12 Square Meters: Memories and Insights Author: Steffen P. Russak Publisher: Authors Press ISBN: 1643146785 Pages: 160 Genre: Biography Reviewed by: Liz Konkel Hollywood Book Reviews Ever dreamed of traveling around the world in a motorhome? Embark on that adventure in this delightful memoir that takes you

¿Eres tú?: A History of Lonquimay

Title: ¿Eres tú?: A History of Lonquimay Author: Frank Tainter Publisher: Gotopublish ISBN:  9781950073931 Pages: 328 Genre: Fiction Reviewed by: Dan MacIntosh Hollywood Book Reviews There’s a whole lot going on in Frank Tainter’s novel, ¿Eres tú?: A History of Lonquimay. Yes, it is the story of an American from Montana

Johnny Bad Ass

Title:  Johnny Bad Ass Author:  The Big Lefthook Publisher:  iUniverse ISBN:  978-0595328482 Genre:  Non-Fiction Pages:  244 Reviewed by: Barbara Bamberger Scott   Hollywood Book Reviews In Johnny Bad Ass, an author who has selected a pen name related to the book’s theme  - The Big Lefthook - displays an admirable grasp of action, plotting and