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Life…and That Other Thing

Title: Life…and That Other Thing Author: John Nieman Publisher: Gold Touch Press ISBN:  978-1-955955-79-9 Genre: Flash Fiction Pages: 119 Reviewed by: Arthur Thares    Hollywood Book Reviews One genre which never seems to get the love it deserves is short fiction. People love to watch short videos online or highlights from a sports game,

From Penguins to Paradise

Title:  From Penguins to Paradise: My Life as an Advertising Man Author:  Paddy Hayes Publisher: ‎ Great Writers Media ISBN: ‎ 1954908733 Pages:  164 Genre:  Memoir Reviewed by:  David Allen   Hollywood Book Reviews We live in a perpetual and perfect storm of billboards, television commercials and other forms of advertising - too numerous to

Iris House Legacy: Book I

Title: Iris House Legacy:  Book I Author: Barbara Godfrey Publisher: Gold Touch Press ISBN: 978-955955874 Pages: 556 Genre: Contemporary Fiction Reviewed by: Lily Amanda   Hollywood Book Reviews Iris House Legacy: Book I is a wonderfully unique debut novel by Barbara Godfrey which cycles through the life of Brenda Chalmers; an antsy, single, middle-aged

Under Vesuvius

Title:  Under Vesuvius: A Reflective Travelogue in Verse and ProseAuthor:  Richard HaffeyPublisher: ‎ XlibrisUSISBN: ‎ 1664169385Genre:  History / PoetryPages: ‎ 240Reviewed by:  David Allen Hollywood Book Reviews Under Vesuvius: A Reflective Travelogue in Verse and Prose is an absorbing and generous recap of the author's fascinations: Pompei, Herculaneum, Italy, medieval religion, medieval art, travel, science, and the environment. Author

The Giant Horseshoe Mystery

Title:  The Giant Horseshoe Mystery Author:  George S. Haines Publisher:  PageTurner Press and Media ISBN:  978-1638710332 Pages: 139 Genre:  Fiction / Mystery / Cozy Mystery Reviewed by:  Jake Bishop   Hollywood Book Reviews Boys getting into mischief and winding up in the middle of potentially dangerous situations is a staple of literature for young


Title:  Mega-Nightmare Author:  John Nieman Publisher: ‎ PageTurner Press and Media ISBN: ‎ 1649087098 Pages:  108 Genre:  Mystery Reviewed by:  David Allen    Hollywood Book Reviews Mega-Nightmare, a novel by John Nieman, begins like this: "Over a million people buy Mega-Million lottery tickets every Tuesday and Friday." If you are one of those million people,

The Year of Jubilee

Title:  The Year of Jubilee Author:  David Rice Publisher:  URLink Print & Media, LLC ISBN:  978-1647537081 Genre:  Political Fiction Pages:  290 Reviewed by:  Philip Zozzaro    Hollywood Book Reviews What would the act of forgiveness mean when applied to a person’s financial obligations? How would that improve their standing? What if you extended this

Please Get off the Tilt-a-Whirl

Title: Please Get off the Tilt-a-Whirl Author: Barbara F. Williams Publisher: PageTurner Press and Media, LLC ISBN: 9781638713494 Pages: 162 Genre: Parenting & Relationships Reviewed by: Rae Capri Hollywood Book Reviews Parenthood is an honorable role that many people would experience at least once in their life. Some were to have a large family,

Secrets Are Out Now

Title: Secrets Are Out Now:  How a Girl Overcomes the World Author: Crystal Rivers Publisher:  Gold Touch Press ISBN:  1982243090 Pages: 272 Genre: Memoir Reviewed by: Nicole Olson    Hollywood Book Reviews Crystal Rivers’ tell-all memoir Secrets Are Out Now - How a Girl Overcomes the World shares the gruesome story of her life of

The Popes’ Book

Title: The Popes’ Book: A NovelAuthor: C. F. GayettyPublisher: C. F. GayettyISBN: 978-1-7360385-1-2Pages: 495Genre: Historical FictionReviewed by:  Jason Lulos Hollywood Book ReviewsThe Popes’ Book is an epic disguised as historical fiction. Reading this novel conjured themes from Paradise Lost, John Gardner’s Grendel, and even Gregory Macguire’s Wicked. Getting the villain’s perspective is a fantastic and provocative