Science Fiction & Fantasy

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The New Planet

Title: The New Planet Author: Carol Love Forbes Publisher: Carol Love Forbes ISBN: 978-1684860692 Pages: 60 Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy Reviewed by: Christina Avina Hollywood Book Reviews The line between spirituality and science has always been a tricky one. The idea one cannot exist without the other has kept these two paths from

Albert’s Journey Through the Mountains

Title: Albert's Journey Through the Mountains Author: David Alvord Publisher: Book Vine Press Pages: 74 ISBN: 978-1958678077 Genre: Fantasy Reviewed by: Manik Chaturmutha Hollywood Book Reviews David Alvord's Albert's Journey Through the Mountains is a fantasy-fiction novel filled with action and adventure. It follows the journey of a man named Albert. He lives happily in his


Title: Enlistment Author: Jodie M. Swanson Publisher: PageTurner Press and Media ISBN: 979-8-88622-517-4 Pages: 382 Genre: Science Fiction Reviewed by: Manik Chaturmutha Hollywood Book Reviews Jodie M. Swanson's Enlistment is a beautiful futuristic story of a headstrong woman, her re-enlistment in the military, and her experiences with "them". The prologue introduces the main character

The Thirteenth Order

Title: The Thirteenth Order: Guardians of the Crystal Skulls Author: Linda Marie Arena Publisher: Authors' Tranquility Press ISBN: 1958179612 Pages: 704 Genre: Science Fiction Reviewed by: Liz Konkel Hollywood Book Reviews Five aliens have spent millenniums going undetected as they protected earth and kept humanity alive, but now the earth is facing the threat of an

Elysia: The Magical World

Title: Elysia: The Magical World Author: Malcolm Chester Publisher: Lettra Press, LLC ISBN: B07N7RN2VW Pages: 189 Genre: Young Adult Reviewed by: Rae Capri Hollywood Book Reviews The beginning of a new adventure encourages individuals to expand their knowledge and understanding. To experience an adventure in your dreams is considered the ultimate escape anyone can

Requiem for a Queen

Title: Requiem for a Queen Subtitle: Tolerate a world of demons for the sake of an angel Author: Kaylin McFarren ISBN: 9798434809993 Publisher: Creative Edge Publishing LLC Pages: 345 Genre: Fantasy Reviewed by: Manik Chaturmutha Hollywood Book Reviews Requiem for a Queen by Kaylin McFarren is a captivating occult fantasy about love, a struggle

Darkwind Chronicles: The Second Act

Title: Darkwind Chronicles: The Second Act Author: Christopher Michael Cifelli Publisher: URLink Print & Media, LLC ISBN: TBA Pages: 170 Genre: Fantasy Reviewed by: Jennifer Bailey Hollywood Book Reviews Magnetin has just become a dragon knight like he always dreamt of, and discovered his father is still alive. Despite shortly returning home from his

Theatre of the Vampires

Title: Theatre of the Vampires Author: H. F. Galloway Publisher: PageTurner Press and Media, LLC ISBN: 979-8886222173 Pages: 94 Genre: Fantasy Reviewed by:  Jennifer Bailey     Hollywood Book Review   Herb was just a maintenance man working late at night in a theatre.  As he was turning off the lights to close up, something

Deadly Distrust

Title: Deadly Distrust Author: Mary Schaller Publisher: XlibrisUS ISBN: 978-1664142107 Pages: 252 Genre: Science Fiction / Mysteries Reviewed by: Alyssa Avina Hollywood Book Reviews  The act of mystery propels us ever forward as human beings. The need to work our minds and uncover hidden truths and long-lost secrets is a practice as old as time

Stories Beyond Belief

Title: Stories Beyond Belief: The Ultimate Collection Author: S.R. Sutton Publisher: PageTurner Press & Media ISBN:  B09V1XLQW2 Pages: 520 Genre: Fantasy Reviewed by: Jennifer Bailey Hollywood Book Reviews  Stories Beyond Belief: The Ultimate Collection is a collection of six short stories ranging from legends of witches, a vampire who travels through time to find