Title: Charles Haldeman: A Memoir; Mid-Century Journeys of a Vagabond Author
Author: Richard Haldeman
Publisher: Page Publishing, Inc.
ISBN:  978-1647010546
Pages: 212
Genre: Author Biographies/Memoirs/Arts & Literature
Reviewed by: Tony Espinoza

Hollywood Book Reviews

It is often said that life is not about the destination, but the journey to get to that destination. A journey is the adventure of building life experiences, and each experience helps to add new layers to the person we as a people will ultimately become. As Microsoft executive Satya Nadella once said, “Believe me, my journey has not been a simple journey of progress. There have been many ups and downs, and it is the choices that I made at each of those times that have helped shape what I have achieved.”

In author Richard Haldeman’s Charles Haldeman: A Memoir; Mid-Century Journeys of a Vagabond Author, the author brings to life the letters and writings of his late brother, Charles Haldeman, as well as his own experiences and the events he witnessed, to life. The book explores Charles Haldeman’s life, from being born to a mother of the segregated American South and the father of a German immigrant, to living for a few months as a child under Hitler’s Germany in the 30’s, to traveling the globe and finally spending over two decades living in Greece before his untimely passing. The author brings his brother’s stories and experiences to readers while exploring the life of the man, his family, and the events of the world around them.  He highlights the life of a man of the world, and a person who spent years working as a writer.

Author Richard Haldeman did an amazing job of balancing the words and memories of his late brother Charles with the memories and experiences he himself experienced. The history and culture of this large family was incredibly inviting, highlighting one of this world’s most pivotal and memorable moments in history. From the romantic beginnings of Charles’s mother and birth father, to the tragedy of loss and spending time in Germany at the height of Hitler’s reign, and even the path Charles took years later which was very reminiscent of his father’s immigration to the United States. It is interesting to see how the author included their late grandmother’s letters in Germany to showcase how indoctrinated and controlled Hitler’s regime had on the people in the country; as she convinced her daughter-in-law to come to the country with her grandchildren and see for herself Germany at the height of power. Anecdotes like this and so many others really do a great job of exposing the events and relationships that have defined the author and his brother throughout their lives.

This is the perfect read for those who enjoy biographies and memoirs, especially those that combine history, the arts, and family history. As a fan of these genres, it was fascinating to see how world events impacted the families which defined the author and his late brother; from the effects of the Civil War on his mother’s family in the South to WWII and how it impacted his father’s family and even how military life impacted both their stepfather and Charles himself. Charles’s life not only comes across as eventful, but highlights the struggles and the balance that came with him finding his own path in life and delving into his life as a writer.

A memorable, engaging and thought-provoking memoir and biography, author Richard Haldeman’s Charles Haldeman: A Memoir; Mid-Century Journeys of a Vagabond Author is a must-read book. The writing is detailed and straight-forward, and does an amazing job of bringing the author and his brother’s lives to life for the reader. Incredible imagery, a lifetime of history and the emotional bond between brothers makes this book shine brightly, so be sure to grab your copy today!

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