Title: Chronicles of the Ancient Future
Author: Richard Hoffman
Publisher: Arpress, 2024
ISBN: 9798893300635
Pages: 194
Genre: Science Fiction
Reviewed by: Subhrajit Saha

Hollywood Book Reviews


Imagine waking up one day to find that the most coveted and elusive treasure the world has been tirelessly seeking for centuries has suddenly appeared in your room. The sheer shock and overwhelming numbness of such a dream-come-true moment would be indescribable. This is exactly what happens to the central narrator in Richard Hoffman’s science fiction novel, Chronicles of the Ancient Future. Successful US businessman Richard embarks on the journey of a lifetime, one that could either catapult him to unprecedented stardom – or plunge him into the darkest reality he could ever have imagined. During a business venture in Peru, he discovers something intriguing underground – something both familiar and enigmatic. Judge Margo Hoffmann of Florida, Rabbi Joseph Goldberg, historians Jonathan Briggs and Samantha Xavier, botanist Cynthia Flynn, scientist George Simmons, and Ruth Bernstein join forces with Hoffman, forming a team determined to uncover a discovery unlike anything the world has ever seen.

On their journey, Hoffman and his team encounter a new world that appears familiar yet profoundly unknown. The inhabitants speak in different dialects, and their laws, history, culture, and scientific advancements make them a captivating mystery. This enigmatic world compels the reader’s mind to delve deeper, urging them to uncover who these people are, what they seek, and what the true nature of their world is. In addition to these peculiarities, Hoffman and his team discover that this world is not solely inhabited by humans. Androids and AI-driven creatures play a crucial role in maintaining the entire system alongside humans. Beyond human conflicts, there are duels between humans and androids and even more intriguing contests. The varying sizes of humans, the appearances of creatures, and their beliefs in the almighty add to the confusion, making it unclear whether this is a different solar system or an entirely different timeline on Earth.

The world depicted is dissimilar from ours, yet certain strange elements serve as successful commentaries by the author. For instance, amid the excitement of watching a fun-filled game, a pivotal character discovers that the entire stadium eagerly anticipates a bloody dinosaur fight, which they consider an enjoyable spectacle. When someone expresses horror at the brutal game, the other spectators begin to bully them, suggesting that while this might be a different world or a different time-period, the enjoyment of violence and cruelty, along with the judgment and taunting of others based on personal choices, remains an unavoidable characteristic of human beings. 

Additionally, the misuse of power remains inevitable for humans, whether in the twenty-first century or five hundred years into the future. The discrimination in lawmaking, particularly how the laws in this unknown world enable the rich to escape punishment through wealth, will leave readers numb. In the mysterious world of Chronicles of the Ancient Future, the age-old atrocities of slavery, exploitation, and physical assault continue to plague humanity. However, readers will also find that humans have extended their cruelty to machines, torturing androids, and AI-driven creatures for their perverse entertainment, driven by ill-minded thoughts.

When discussing the narration style and engagement factor of the novel, it is crucial to consider the believability and convincing nature of the world in science fiction. The author is commendable for creating a sleek and mysterious world. The narration is mostly detailed, something needed in creating this alternate world in the storytelling. The author’s focus on scientific elements often compliments the creation of compelling fiction drama.  Mixing sci-fi world building along with drama and character development makes Chronicles of the Ancient Future a book which delves into multiple genres.

Hoffman’s ability to maintain suspense and build tension makes for a truly engaging read.  Chronicles of the Ancient Future is recommended for fans of epic adventures, historical mysteries, and thought-provoking science fiction.

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