Title: Chubby Wubbles and Coco: 2 Missing Ferrets
Author: M.J. Abrams
Publisher: Westwood Books Publishing, LLC
ISBN: 164803196X
Pages: 28
Genre: Children’s Books
Reviewed by: Liz Konkel

Hollywood Book Reviews

Chubby is a ferret who had the perfect life alongside fellow ferret Coco and their owner Mary until one-day Chubby wakes up to find that Coco is gone. He misses Coco greatly and doesn’t know what to do without her. Suddenly, his world is turned even more upside-down when Mary no longer has time for him and he goes to live with her younger brother. But things turn out great! The two form an incredible connection and life couldn’t get any better! Then one-day Chubby gets out of his cage and gets lost outside where he makes his way to the park where he tries to find Coco, but nowhere he looks finds him his best friend. The two eventually reunite when Chubby is left with Jeffrey’s parents when Jeffrey goes on vacation.

This fun-filled story consists of three significant parts with each finding Chubby on short adventures and exploring his world. The first notch of his story finds him discovering Coco missing and grieving over the gap she left in his life. The story finds Chubby thinking back on all his memories of his friend and all the good times they spent together which creates a reminiscent tone as he reflects. Chubby’s reminiscing explores this air of loss in Chubby’s life and touches upon a theme of loss and remembrance. Several moments are woven throughout which has him reflecting on playing with Coco and maintains the connection to her even with her presence not seen. The park is a primary setting for Chubby as he explores and goes to the various animals seeking out the possible whereabouts of Coco. The majority of the story is spent not knowing where Coco is, which creates some mystery and allows you to wonder what actually happened to his friend.

He faces a new beginning in his story as his original owner and gives him away to her brother where he finds a home in his new environment. This is another loss as he says good-bye to Mary, but this new beginning becomes a gain when he creates a strong bond with Jeffery. Lovely illustrations showcase his search for Coco with memories of her showing the good times they shared together, while also showing his new happy life where he gets treats, learns tricks, comes to his name, and play with shoes. The various details within the illustrations depict Chubby following Jeffery everywhere he goes, Chubby being playful and friendly, and even becoming chubbier. The dialogue is affectionate with sweet nicknames like chub chub and Chubby Wubbles. Children will love seeing the bond Chubby and Jeffrey have, and see the affection that can come with having a pet. They’ll enjoy following Chubby’s story as he faces adventure when he gets lost, the mystery over the whereabouts of Coco, and a sweet tale of friendship.

The story ends on a happy note with a reunion between the two ferrets when Chubby goes to stay with Jeffrey’s parents only to discover the missing Coco. As the story weaves through the loss and missing of Coco, children will be able to sympathize with Chubby and his emotional state as he goes to live with Jeffrey and how deeply he misses Coco. They’ll get to wonder where Coco is as Chubby explores the mystery while awaiting the discovery that Chubby makes by the end.

Chubby Wubbles and Coco: 2 Missing Ferrets is the story of a happy go lucky ferret who loses his best friend Coco and goes to live with a new owner which is told through a delightful and charming story paired with cheerful and bright illustrations that bring the tale of one chubby little ferret to life.

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