Title: Chubby Wubbles & Coco: 2 Missing Ferrets
Author: M.J. Abrams
Publisher: Westwood Books Publishing LLC
ISBN: 978-1-64803-195-3
Genre: Children’s Books
Pages: 28
Reviewed by: Ella Vincent

Hollywood Book Reviews

Chubby Wubbles & Coco: 2 Missing Ferrets is a continuation of a great bond between two pet ferrets. Author MJ Abrams has written a book that young readers will love. This book tells the story of Mary and her pet ferrets Chubby and Coco. When Coco runs away, Chubby feels despondent and wants to chase after Coco. Those plans are interrupted when Mary gives Chubby to her younger brother, Jeffrey. When Chubby moves in with Jeffrey, Chubby explores his new neighborhood and has troubling interactions with ducks. Chubby also makes a surprising discovery on a journey to find Coco.

Abrams’ writing vividly captures the loving relationship between Jeffrey and Coco in this excerpt: “When they played together, Jeffrey would carry Chubby in his arms, wrap him around his neck like a scarf, or drag him on a blanket. Chubby was always playful and friendly. Jeffrey had to watch his step when Chubby was out because he followed him everywhere!” His writing captures the love Chubby and Coco have for each other. Abrams based this story on his son’s relationship with his pet ferret and the details show in this book.

The book balances cute dialogue with life lessons as well. When Mary and Jeffrey calls Chubby Wubbles, pet parent readers can relate to the adorable nicknames they make up for their pets. Chubby Wubbles & Coco: 2 Missing Ferrets teaches important lessons about friendship, pet ownership, and love. In an interview, Abrams detailed the themes of Chubby Wubbles. “The theme of this story is about lifestyle changes and the affect they have on people, animals and relationships with one another,” said Abrams. “It’s also about friendship, trust and dealing with adversity when problems arise.”

Those valuable lessons come through in the book. Chubby Wubbles & Coco: 2 Missing Ferrets also has illustrations and real-life pictures of ferrets that can teach kids about the mammal. The book also shows the caring and kind relationship between Mary and Jeffrey and how they relate to their pets.

Chubby Wubbles & Coco: 2 Missing Ferrets would be best for readers ages six and older who want pets or are pet parents themselves. Parents can read this book aloud to the children in their lives or kids can practice reading this book on their own. Abrams has written a book that is a great companion to the first book about the exploits of Chubby and Coco. Chubby Wubbles & Coco 2 is a book that children and adults will read again and again.

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