Title: Chubby Wubbles: A Ferret’s Tale
Author: M.J. Abrams
Publisher: Trafford Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-4120-7177-6
Genre: Illustrated Children’s Book
Pages: 24
Reviewed by: Beth Adams

Chubby Wubbles: A Ferret’s Tale is a book with a twist on the illustrations being photographs instead of drawings. Author M.J. Abrams has assembled a sequence of phots of two ferrets, Chubby and Coco, and personified their personalities as most all loving pet owners do. Readers see and enjoy the two frolicking together, and getting into all sorts of mischief around the house.

Then one day Coco was gone – and Chubby missed her terribly! The story tells how Chubby would sleep a lot, and although still enjoying his human company, it just wasn’t the same without Coco around. The book continues with an adventure when Chubby accidently got locked outside the house and wandered around the park unaccompanied. Some ducks came over, and Chubby thought they wanted to play, but all of a sudden he was surrounded and got “nipped” by one duck – luckily rescued just in the nick of time.

Chubby was given to another human to take care of him and was doing just fine adjusting to the change of adopted humans – and then the climax of the tale comes to fruition. Chubby visits the parents’ house of Mark, the original owner, when low-and-behold Coco is there! The two ferrets frolic together once again, with a happily-ever-after ending.

Ferrets are a bit out of the ordinary “cats & dogs” category of pets, but being mammals, they have so much emotion and love, both for each other of their own kind as well as for the humans in their lives. The use of classic photographs, put together to interlace with the story, makes this a credible and believable tale for youngsters to enjoy.

M.J. Abrams has written a story which will bring a new enlightenment to children seeing that ferrets can be a very loving – and smart – pets. Chubby Wubbles will warm the hearts of all children reading this book, and will certainly become a bedtime favorite. Who knows, now that Chubby and Coco are back together – perhaps more adventures await to be told in future story books!

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