Title: Curiosity, Adventure Travel, Exploration, Trade, War, Murder: The European Expansion, 15th to 20th Century
Author: James B. Read
Publisher: Create Space
ISBN: 9781539496366
Genre: History, Travelogue
Pages: 235
Reviewer: Lily Amanda
Hollywood Book Reviews
Curiosity, Adventure Travel, Exploration, Trade, War, Murder: The European Expansion, 15th to 20th Century is a detailed and comprehensive virtuoso ode, written by a master hand, which will spur your interest in a part of history that is not only celebratory but was a central component in shaping the world we live in today. Great battles, the desire to conquer, and strong opinions which altered the path of history and opened up numerous regions to the outside world are all part of the journey that sailor, adventure, traveler, and author James B. Read takes us on.
In its opening chapter, the book introduces us to the beguiling story of a fifteen-year-old tagalong boy known as Marco Polo, as he began the long odyssey from his home in the Venice Republic to meet Kublai Khan, the famous Mongol emperor in Beijing, China. Known for his colorful stories detailing the adventures that he had penned in prison, Marco Polo’s undaunted courage forms the heart of this tale. In another piece, Prince Henry the Navigator, the third son of the king of Portugal, is the star of this tale and is fondly regarded as the patron of Portuguese exploration. Here, James Read takes us through his contribution to providing significant funding for explorations along Africa’s west coast.
As the book progresses, the narrative builds into a crescendo, slightly taking our attention from these well-known explorers and others, along with their contributions to offering us vivid recounting of the forging of world empires and their intricate political maneuvering. For example, the text gives a fascinating chronicle of the rise of the British Empire, including the wars and rebellions which engulfed them from time to time, and its role in shaping the larger world.
As the book culminates to an end, the writer sheds light on some of his travels across different parts of the world, such as Singapore, South Africa, and the world-famous Maasai Mara in Kenya. These travelogue accounts are detailed, pleasant to read, panache-filled, and bring to life his experiences across various cultures and places. The narrative’s picturesque fluidity is what makes the stories-historical and personal anecdotes-particularly moving.
Anyone yearning for an armchair travel experience, history students and aficionados, will find much to mine and bask within, in James B. Read’s Curiosity, Adventure Travel, Exploration, Trade, War, Murder: The European Expansion, 15th to 20th Century. It is an honest jaunt back into a different period and a drive through some of the world’s famous and little-known places.