Title:  Daughter of Destiny: Final Victory
Author:  Jennifer Thomas
Publisher:  Christian Faith Publishing
Pages: 184
Genre: Spiritual Biography
Reviewed by:  Tony Espinoza

Hollywood Book Reviews

Through life’s most difficult moments and tumultuous experiences, one of the best things a person can do for themselves is exercise patience. Being patient not only allows us to take a step back and examine a difficult scenario through fresh eyes, but it allows us to come to a conclusion not out of pure emotion, but out of reason. It allows for people to see the full scope of a situation. As Paulo Coelho once said, “I have seen many storms in my life. Most storms have caught me by surprise, so I had to learn very quickly to look further and understand that I am not capable of controlling the weather, to exercise the art of patience and to respect the fury of nature.”

In author Jennifer Thomas’s Daughter of Destiny: Final Victory, the author explores the path to understanding and peace through faith and patience. Through a healthy blend of memoir and faith exploration storytelling, the author reveals a slew of life experiences that brought her through it all thanks to patience, faith, and the journey to ultimate victory.

 A unique and truly personal story of reflection and hope through faith, the author did a great job of drawing readers in with experiences that felt very relatable, while also layering each story with personal reflections on how Christian faith and teachings have helped the author through each situation. From health crisis and grim looks at the future of the world’s governments, to personal missions to save those closest to her from making life-changing mistakes through intuition and intervention from her faith, the author openly and heartedly explores the impact each moment of her life had on her and how her belief and faith helped her to overcome those challenges head on.

This is definitely the perfect read for those who are religious, who enjoy memoirs and biographies with a religious-background, and personal stories of growth and overcoming adversity. I was in awe of the strength this incredible author had in overcoming so much adversity, and found her brand of writing fully embraced the personal nature of the book and gave readers an insight into not only her mindset and faith, but her personality as well.

 A memorable, heartfelt, and gripping faith-based memoir, author Jennifer Thomas’s Daughter of Destiny: Final Victory is a must-read book. The story is not only relatable but very inspiring, and will resonate fully with so many readers that need a bit of a push in the right direction and are seeking a different approach to overcoming adversity.

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