Title: Disaster at Bushehr
Author: Reginald Nelson
Publisher: Urlink Print & Media, LLC
ISBN: 978-1647538675
Pages: 448
Genre: Fiction
Reviewed by: Aaron Washington

Hollywood Book Reviews

Disaster at Bushehr is a stimulating and compelling book that puts the reader on edge. It is impossible not to appreciate the author’s work as every event, every character and every occurrence is strategic, and makes sense even for a fiction book. The author does not exaggerate nor does he add near impracticable elements in his tales. His storytelling is smooth, as the narration in the book is what draws the reader to Reginald Nelson’s writing. Disaster at Bushehr is the kind of book you read for your entertainment and also enlightenment as the author touched on the status quo and things which affect people in the real world. The themes displayed in between the narration tell you Reginald Nelson is conscious of the happenings in the world today; he enjoys sharing with the readers the obvious along with his subconscious envisions and his opinions on certain issues.

Something every reader will appreciate in this book is the character development. Characters in Disaster at Bushehr are smooth, solid and know how to navigate their designated areas without imposing on others. I like how Reginald Nelson created the major characters. Their distinction is clear. All characters in this book have a unique feature which will capture the readers’ attention. Some characters are displayed as sharp, dominant, aggressive, loyal, responsible and sometimes foul. The minor characters were also great in their roles. One can distinguish a major character from a minor character just by how the author portrays them; the assignments they carry, how they hold conversations, how often they appear in the main storyline and so forth.

Disaster at Bushehr is a book about politics, the military and how egocentric powerful countries can be. There are intruders at a nuclear facility. This is not good as the facility is guarded and the intruders are terrorists. They have their motives, which are going to cause some friction between Israel, America, and their allies. Will they succeed with their mission? Reading about geopolitics, security and how terrorism has a global impact no matter the country being affected is eye opening. I appreciate the author for choosing this as one of the major storylines. It gives those not familiar with such situations an idea of how governments and state agencies operate. I enjoyed how determined the characters were and how committed the good guys were while eliminating the bad guys. Some of the characters that stood out for me include Lance Wood, Reggie, Becky, Jack, and Ashonte.

I enjoyed the reading experience with this book and will recommend it to readers that enjoy books filled with heavy military lingo, political themes and family themes. The author’s imagination is astounding and his creativity superb. This book never stops being interesting. The suspense, drama and plot twists will make you become a fan of Reginald Nelson, and want to read more from this author.

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