Title: Elysia: The Magical World
Author: Malcolm Chester
Publisher: Lettra Press, LLC
Pages: 189
Genre: Young Adult/Fantasy
Reviewed by: Rae Capri
Hollywood Book Reviews
The beginning of a new adventure encourages individuals to expand their knowledge and understanding. To experience an adventure in your dreams is considered the ultimate escape anyone can have from their reality. But what if actions that occur in dreamland seep into your waking life? Would you be able to handle that?
In Elysia: The Magical World, author Malcolm Chester re-introduces readers to King Reginald, Queen Courtney, Light Sword warriors Penelope, and Steve, as they have returned to the dreamland of Elysia with a new quest. This mission involves the dangers of the magical Dark King and his evil soldiers, the Maelstrom kids. Unfortunately, in the absence of Courtney, Reginald, Penelope, and Steve from their last quest, Elysia is under the attack of dark magicians Evil Wizard and Maelstrom Royal Wizard. The evil brothers of the Great Wizard had assigned the Maelstrom kids to steal both Light and Dark crystals from Elysia to overthrow its magical kingdom and rain nothing but dark magic amongst all worlds. Two giant apes, Herbert and Bertha, did their best to protect these crystals, but even their magic was no match for the evil Maelstrom kids. They managed to steal the Dark crystal, so the Light Sword quad was personally requested by the new King & Queen to retrieve the Dark Crystal and save their kingdom. Buzz’s Magic Honey acted as a transporter to get the Light Swords into the magical world from reality, which allowed an opportunity for all four of the Light Swords to participate.
Each character possesses amazing strength and has the friendship to match. When joined together, they will cause damage to threats that would be harmful to their magical world by any means necessary. Little did they know but soon began to realize that this mission is unlike the one they experienced before because every time they woke in their realities, they bring back minor marks, cuts, and discomfort from their dreamland battles. Unfortunately, being in dreamland is slowly beginning to interfere with their physical bodies beyond anything they ever imagined. So, this mission seems more of a potential threat to their life in the real world. Of course, the Light Swords understand their roles are to be brave and know their sacrifices would be for the good of Elysia’s magical land but that doesn’t mean they aren’t a bit nervous. Instead, they are well aware of the potential risks and dangers to their waking life, yet understand that the magical land of Elysia is like their second home and plan to protect it at all costs. The idea to expand their knowledge and gain additional help they would need to complete their quest is by visiting the Grand Wizard. In understanding the importance of how severe the threat to Elysia is, the Light Swords are doing everything in their power to strengthen themselves. The magical honey effects are lessening, and the fight against the clock of how long they would be able to stay in the magical worlds for this quest is daunting.
To end off with Queen Courtney the Great and the Light Swords with a token from their dream world, might work in their favor to bring them back to Elysia. The author did a great job at keeping readers at the edge of their seats. It could be possible there may be another book to look forward to in the future.
This is a phenomenal book to read and anyone, especially young adults who share the desire to escape to the dream world, should embrace this story and characters. It was an enjoyable reading experience for me and I highly recommend this book to others.