Title: Elysia: The World in Children’s Dreams – Second Edition
Author: Malcolm Chester
Publisher: Lettra Press LLC
Pages: 224
Genre: Literary Fiction
Reviewed by: Jennifer Bailey
Hollywood Book Reviews
Courtney is a young girl, age 11, who is able to walk into the world of Elysia, the world of dreams. Inside she is met with brilliant colors, mounds of candy, beautifully fantastic creatures and so much more. Each time she is there she not only escapes her troubles at home (fighting parents, father being arrested), but she also escapes the realities of becoming a woman and having to deal with puberty. But the more time she spends in Elysia the boundary between reality and fantasy begin to blur. Elysia, while filled with magic and joy, is becoming weaker because the Crystal of Light has been stolen. As the Elysian walls become weaker by the day, finding the Crystal, and returning must be done quickly. Courtney and her new friends must retrieve the Crystal from the evil king in order to restore balance to Elysia.
This coming-of-age story is one that would delight young readers, especially young girls who will have a character they can relate to and see as themselves. Young readers will find a main character who is not only filled with compassion and love for others, but also filled with bravery even when she is scared. There are themes within this novel that young girls can relate to; such as the fear of getting older/becoming an adult, learning to feel and love, terror and chaos within life mixed with the tenderness and innocence. Courtney’s character is at an age when life begins to shift and author Malcolm Chester does a wonderful job at presenting those views and learning how to cope with them. Chester is incredibly talented in how he weaves this beautiful and vivid world with characters that are charming and realistic.
Young readers and adult alike will fall instantly in love with this book, not only because it is a beautifully written tale, but also because it teaches life lessons adults can learn from as well. There are so many things to be delighted in while reading this story. Readers will be swept away in a very imaginative book that has the making of a great movie for young audiences. Malcolm Chester created a simply marvelous world built on storytelling and imagination.