Title: Enigmas of the 4th Universe: Trilogy of Icebox Book 4
Author: Mary A. Lonergan
Publisher: Westwood Books Publishing LLC
ISBN: 978-1643619231
Pages: 156
Genre: Science-Fiction & Fantasy
Reviewed by: Tony Espinoza

Hollywood Book Reviews

It is often said that space is the true final frontier for mankind. Our understanding of the Universe, and space in general, is always evolving and changing as science grows and new technologies makes discoveries more possible than ever before. As Stephen Hawking once said, “Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious.”

In Mary A. Lonergan’s Enigmas of the 4th Universe: Trilogy of Icebox Book 4, the author captures the wonder and scientific interest involved in exploring space in a fascinating new way. The story follows Slade and Char’ly, famed heroes of their people who find themselves tasked with an impossible mission once more. Sent to investigate a mysterious and unknown sphere known as The 4th Universe, breaking through the barrier reveals an area of black holes and danger which reveals just how large the spheres of each universe truly are. With untold dangers and threats, the two must find a way to return home; not only to warn the universes about the impending threat, but return home to their children as well.

This is a truly unique and interesting sci-fi read. The author has created a one-of-a-kind mythology and story that is as diverse as the cast of characters who support it. The writing is very quick paced and descriptive, giving the readers a vivid image of the universes and travel as the story progresses. What stands out uniquely is the concept of multiple universes within spheres, which sounds reminiscent of the multiverse theory that has become so popular within fictional settings.

Many will find this the perfect read if they enjoy layered, multistoried science fiction reads and the concept of the multiverse as a whole. It was fascinating to see how the author played on this theory to create a brand-new mythology. The idea of the multiverse being a physical barrier that could allow for space travel one day was truly creative and inspiring, making this a memorable narrative.
Brilliantly told and fast-paced, author Mary A Lonergan’s Enigmas of the 4th Universe: Trilogy of Icebox Book 4 is a must-read science fiction adventure like no other. While I hadn’t read the previous entries in the series, the author does a great job of laying the groundwork for this series early on and crafting characters which keep the readers invested throughout. Be sure to grab your copy and explore the 4th universe for yourselves today!

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