Title:  From the Mountaintop: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Enlightenment
Author:  Campbell Bolwell
Publisher:  Stampa Global
ISBN: 978-1951585273
Genre:  Spirituality
Pages:  268
Reviewed by: Ella Vincent


Hollywood Book Reviews

From the Mountaintop is an insight spiritual text from Campbell Bolwell. Bolwell has written a book that will enlighten readers.  From the Mountaintop tells the story of Bolwell’s spiritual journey from childhood to adulthood. The book offers opinions and insight from various religious and spiritual texts to back up his assertions about faith. Bolwell noted that the strict dogma of Christianity turned him away from traditional Christianity. He writes extensively about how to expand faith beyond organized religion. He writes about the healing powers of transcendentalist meditation and positive thinking.

Bolwell writes so convincingly about his belief and numerous world beliefs. He combines personal anecdotes with his spiritual beliefs to make the text relatable. He also writes movingly about how the death of his brother affected his attitude towards the impermanence of life. Readers can easily empathize with Bolwell as he writes about going against the rigid structure of society.

Even though Bolwell is critical of the commercialization of organized religion, he isn’t overly critical of Christianity. He still shows respect for Jesus Christ’s teachings of love and faith, but feels those teachings have been corrupted by religious leaders.  From the Mountaintop has research and evidence from such diverse sources as Buddhist texts and Stephen Hawking. His equal beliefs in science and spirituality are pivotal parts of the text. He also helpfully has a glossary of universal laws at the beginning of the book that he believes guides the forces of life. Readers will learn about the Universal Law of Temporary Existence help Bolwell cope with loss. Bolwell also writes about the Universal Law of Attraction can lead to certain events occurring in his life.

Bolwell’s writing is so descriptive and vivid. As he writes about visiting Taiwan and Saigon, readers can easily imagine themselves in the rice fields and Taoist temples that he visited.  From the Mountaintop would be best for readers who want to learn more about spirituality. The book would also be best for readers who want to read about religion and science working together in society. From the Mountaintop would be best for readers like spiritual or “law of attraction” books like The Secret or The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz.

From the Mountaintop is an engaging text that is part memoir and part spiritual odyssey. Bolwell has written a text that will take readers on a journey into their own hearts and minds.

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