Title: Government 2.0
Author: Joseph Gorski
Publisher: Book-Art Press Solutions LLC
ISBN: 978-1949338508
Pages: 86
Genre: Politics & Government/Non-Fiction
Reviewed by: Tony Espinoza
Hollywood Book Reviews
Power is ever shifting in our world. Whether it is power on a personal level or power on a much grander scale, there are those that seek power over the population. The need for control has been a popular tool for many to wield over the years, most of all the governments of the world. As Victor Hugo once said, “All the forces in the world are not so powerful as an idea whose time has come.”
In author Joseph Gorski’s Government 2.0, the author explores through research and study the idea that in recent years governments around the world have been controlled by a select group of bankers, who in turn control the message and agenda of those governments. Seeing a pattern that links outside forces in an attempt to create a competing system of control, the author sees this Government 2.0 as a means of creating a worldwide monetary system which would eliminate the power these central bankers have.
This is a quick yet thoughtful read. The author does a great job of succinctly delving into the subject matter, laying out the basic concepts of big money and elitists controlling the messages and information that we as a people are getting, while showcasing the way governments are manipulated and controlled, separating the battle of the said agendas as big government vs. small government. The author has a way of speaking to the audience in an authentic and memorable way, allowing the information to be absorbed and engaged by the reader in a way that helps to solidify this knowledge.
This is perfect for those who enjoy non-fiction reads that explore governments and politics, as well as the influence big business and banks have on government agendas. It also is a great read for those who tend not to vote or tune out politics as a whole in their lives, as it helps to showcase the faults that lay not on one side of the aisle or another, but with all sides as a whole, and how new ideas and change can help put an end to violence and corruption.
A terrific, philosophical and thoughtful approach to government and the influence of money and elites on the course of the world, author Joseph Gorski’s Government 2.0 is a must-read non-fiction book on politics and government. A memorable and quick-paced approach to such an in-depth topic, the author has done an incredible job of showcasing the material and creating a book that will resonate with a lot of readers.