Title: Guideless the Rivers’ Course
Author: Stefano Duetagli
Publisher: iUniverse
ISBN: 1532085109
Pages: 352
Genre: Fiction
Reviewed by: Aaron Washington
Hollywood Book Reviews
Stefano Duetagli’s Guideless the Rivers’ Course is not only refreshing to read but also quite intriguing. The author’s ingenuity can be seen through three aspects; his character creation, the flow of the plot, and the organization of the novel. There are many things to like about Stefano Duetagli’s writing. I appreciate the author’s skill with words. The dialogue and conversations among characters in the book were fun to follow. The descriptions of events and locations were defined excellently, enabling the reader to have a clear picture of all the action. The author’s keen sense of imagination is rare. It is truly enjoyable how skilled Stefano Duetagli is in this craft, all you want to do is continue reading his work.
The main story in the book revolved around the character Margarite Ecclesia. Now, this character is what I would describe as complicated but charming to follow. For quite a while, Margarite was not comfortable with how she lived. Something was off with the character. They believed they were born in the wrong body and wished that all that could change someday. Lucky for Margarite, she was able to go through a successful transgender surgery in Holland. This was going to be a lovely experience given all the hell she had been through while living as a transvestite. Margarite now went with the name Stuart Walker Purloin, and it was delightful.
Margarite went back to her hometown as Stuart. I loved following the man’s journey as the author made him a distinct character with an extraordinary story. Things, however, were not going to be all rosy as Stuart got targeted as a suspect for a murder. The result of this led to him being taken to a maximum-security prison in Raiford, Florida. Life as an inmate was not going to be comfortable. While reading this part in the book, I could not help but imagine how people take freedom for granted. I pondered about the character Stuart often. He had gone through so much and just when I thought things would turn better for him, they got worse. Through the character, a lot is revealed about how evil the world can be.
Guideless the Rivers’ Course has several themes which are relatable in society. Some of the major themes include self-love, life for transgender people, skewed justice systems, crime, and adventure. One of my favorite parts in the book was when the Virgil’s spoke to the character as Margarite and also as Stuart. This was a nice and extraordinary concept that needs more appreciation. Guideless the Rivers’ Course is a breathtaking, rousing, and enjoyable book that keeps you on the edge. The mystery in some characters and the suspense which builds up before something major is revealed, made the book one of the best thrillers. I recommend this book to readers who fancy fictional stories that involve the transformation of characters and crime thrillers. Reading Guideless the Rivers’ Course was a pleasant experience as the author made every element in the book both engrossing and incredible.