Title: Hellish Inc.
Author: David Adamson
Publisher: GoldTouch Press, LLC
ISBN: 978-1954673051
Pages: 84
Genre: Literature & Fiction
Reviewed by: Christina Avina
Hollywood Book Reviews
Whether or not you are a religious person, you are bound to know about the eternal battle between heaven and hell, good and evil, and so on and so forth. It has long been thought that the angels of heaven and the demons of hell are not only sworn enemies but they represent all which is good or evil on our life on Earth. In this novella, Hellish, Inc., by author David Adamson, we are taken into the dark underworld of hell through the eyes of a Hell’s Angel also known as a “Fixer” for Hell. We further dive into the mythology of these Hell’s Angels as well as get the point of view of the Angels of Heaven.
In this tale, the Fixer hates everyone, including himself, and is looking for a fight. Furthermore, he’s looking to kill anything that comes his way, no matter the consequences — even if it means his own life will end. Once he escapes his cell he had been locked away in through a portal, he is on the hunt and finds himself amongst the Angels of Heaven. The two opposing sides get ready for a heated battle in their own respective ways and while the Angels of Heaven were all given indestructible wings by God, they are not immune to being killed — and the Fixer knows this.
As the story goes on, you can feel the tension building and feel as though you are on the edge of your seat, waiting to see how the events will play out. The writer does an incredible job at detailing the scenes in such a manner that you feel fully immersed in the events yourself. The author drew on his own life experience and personal heartbreak to creatively tell this story of how opposing forces such as the good and evil represented here will never be in balance, and that one will always cancel out the other. He explores this with great precision, and I can honestly say I was very impressed with how he was able to evoke such strong emotions from his audience.
While this story may focus on a central theme of good vs. evil, it clearly has a lot more depth to it. It talks of pain, turmoil, chaos, and how a battle such as this would irrevocably change the world as we know it forever. It is dark and gritty yet has, at the core of it, hope for all who read it. I highly recommend this novella, Hellish, Inc. by David Adamson to anyone looking for a fast read that will leave you spellbound.