Title: History and Mystery: The Complete Eschatological Encyclopedia of Prophecy, Apocalypticism, Mythos, and Worldwide Dynamic Theology Volume:1
Author: Bernie L. Calaway
Publisher: Authors Press
ISBN: 9781643144580
Pages: 592
Genre: Mythology & Folklore  / Encyclopedias
Reviewed by: Tony Espinoza

Hollywood Book Reviews

One of the driving forces of history is the mystery behind some of the greatest mythologies and theologies that have been created by the various societies of the world. From classic Greek or Roman mythology, to the rise of Christianity and Judaism, the line between myth and belief is not always well defined. As George Lucas once said, “I’ve come to the conclusion that mythology is really a form of archaeological psychology. Mythology gives you a sense of what a people believes, what they fear.”

In author Bernie L. Calaway’s History and Mystery: The Complete Eschatological Encyclopedia of Prophecy, Apocalypticism, Mythos, and Worldwide Dynamic Theology Volume:1, the author works to utilize Biblical terms and names which pertain to prophecy and eschatology, but also to the studies of history, science, mystery religions, cults, mythology and so much more. Utilizing some 60 essays which delve into some of the more complex prophetic or theological topics, and providing a base to start researching these topics, the author also utilizes definitions of prophetic or esoteric words, along with the explanations for these topics in order to help those interested in these topics fully understand their meaning. In essence, this is the first of five important encyclopedias that will help with the study of prophecies, end of world scenarios and mythology and theology as a whole.

This is a comprehensive, educational and well-written book. The author does a fantastic job of delving into the detailed history and accounts of religious studies to better understand the concept of apocalyptic or eschatological writings within these belief systems. The amount of research and study that went into this encyclopedia is present in every chapter, and allows the reader to get a firmer understanding of our world’s fascination with the “end times” by looking at the history and culture of the various belief systems studied in this book.

There is no doubt this book is meant for anyone with an interest in mythology, history, theology, or anything to do with the apocalypse or end of world discussions; especially those who enjoy texts or studies that focus on a wide variety of topics from an Orthodox Christian perspective. As a fan of history and mythology, especially when they are exploring a subject such as theology, it was truly engaging to read about these specific texts and studies and the amount of work the author put into this volume. It was great to see the foundation of a larger study of mythological studies overall take form in the author’s writing, and those who are religious will truly appreciate the viewpoints the author brings to a wide variety of topics from a religious viewpoint; from cults and false prophets to the significance of symbols and signs within the Bible and the list of angelic or demonic entities listed throughout the Bible and beyond.

A greatly detailed, informational and thought-provoking encyclopedia and study of mythology and theology as a whole, author Bernie L. Calaway’s History and Mystery: The Complete Eschatological Encyclopedia of Prophecy, Apocalypticism, Mythos, and Worldwide Dynamic Theology Volume:1 is a must-read. The focus on mythologies, prophecies and apocalyptic studies within a theological and historical sense was fascinating to read about, and both non-religious and religious scholars alike will be interested to see this comprehensive volume unfold.

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