Title: In His Father’s World
Author: C.D. Harper
Publisher: URLink Print & Media, LLC
ISBN: 9781647536534
Genre: Literature & Fiction/Historical Fiction/Drama
Pages: 390
Reviewed by: Tony Espinoza

Hollywood Book Reviews

One topic which has been a constant source of friction and tension amongst people of the world has bene the subject of race and equality. While it may seem like such a simple task to make sure everyone is seen as equal in not only the eyes of the law, but in society as a whole, far too many people fight this notion and seek to maintain superiority over others. The journey to find true freedom and equality is often fraught with peril. As Nelson Mandela once said, “There is no easy walk to freedom anywhere, and many of us will have to pass through the valley of the shadow of death again and again before we reach the mountaintop of our desires.”

In author C.D. Harper’s In His Father’s World, the author explores one of American history’s most brutal and important wars and the impact it had on both free and enslaved people. The book tells the story of Seth Hunter Jr. and Sandy, a white plantation owner taking over his father’s land and a slave woman who fell in love with the man as children but must find it within herself to seek a life of freedom. Set during the years of the Civil War, Seth finds his world turned upside down as the luxuries and way of life he’s always known come under threat by Northerners and the notion of freedom for the slaves under his control. Despite his love for Sandy and their family, his lifelong indoctrination leads him to view his makeshift family as slaves, leading Sandy to take drastic steps to find freedom and peace for not only herself but their two children. A story analyzing racism and slavery in US History, and the themes of freedom, change and ignorance, this book dives deeply into some of the nation’s most haunting years.

This is a powerful read. Before readers get too far into this narrative, it must be noted that as the author explores an era of history that is filled with violence and hatred which has not been seen in years, the dialogue and actions of many of the characters includes strong and offensive language in keeping with the era of the narrative. However, through this powerful language readers are shown the ugly truth of history and the complex emotions the Civil War brought for everyone. From Seth’s back and forth mindset between his love for Sandy and his inability to see their relationship is based on his ownership of her and not who she is as a person, to Sandy and her children’s brutal fight to find freedom and their own inner strength, this novel doesn’t hold back on exploring some of the most difficult aspects of this era.

This is the perfect read for those who enjoy historical fiction and drama, exploring a brutal moment in history and setting the stage for the ramifications this war would have on others moving forward. As a fan of historical fiction, it was interesting to see the lives of those not fighting in the war, and despite how uncomfortable the language and the actions of characters like Seth made me as a reader, it was important to showcase the behavior and attitude that lead to the North going to war with the South to begin with.

A memorable, important and complex yet compelling read, author C.D. Harper’s In His Father’s World is a must-read historical fiction and drama. Filled with strong language which reflected the setting and era of the novel perfectly and emotionally complex characters that readers will either love or hate strongly, the narrative is more important now than ever before as racism and violence has seen a strong resurgence in recent years, and the need to learn from our past is critical to our future.

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