Title: In The Moment
Author: Mick E. Jones
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 978-1483644325
Genre: New Age & Spirituality/Religion & Spirituality
Pages: 300
Reviewed by: Anthony Avina
Hollywood Book Reviews
To find one’s purpose in life is one of the most important and sought after things a person can ever attain. As Carl Jung once said, “As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.”
In author Mick E. Jones’s book “In The Moment”, the author explores how he came to understand the deeper meaning of his relationship with God through discovering his purpose in life through a series of events and personal moments of realization. From the early pages of an interaction between him and a niece that shaped his mindset to the philosophical mindset of living in the moment and through experiences a person’s spiritual nature and bond can grow, the author takes readers on a spiritual journey like no other.
The author has crafted a truly thought-provoking narrative. The first pages of his interaction with his niece Amy and the commentary on narrow-minded thinking and materialism are ever prevalent from the early stages of the book, and the author continues to explore these and other topics in greater detail as the book progresses.
This is a book written for those who are spiritual or religious, and are seeking like-minded authors who can share their own personal stories of how they grew and evolved their way of thinking about their religion. While I myself am not religious, one thing that did stand out to me was an early passage that dealt with the hypocrisy many modern day religious figures have. Speaking about love and peace in one breath and then judging and condemning others in the next is seen far too often in this day and age, and made the book feel like others who aren’t necessarily religious could connect to the thoughtful writing of the author in this book.
A masterful and evenly paced read, author Mick E. Jones and his book “In The Moment” are a hit! The author’s personal blend of stories and original style of writing make this feel more connected to readers on a personal level, and create an intimate reading experience that can help readers come to terms with how they personally view their own spiritual (or lack thereof) lives. This is a must-read book, so be sure to grab your copy today!