Title: Inspirations: My Vivid Imagination Has Been Transformed Into Reality
Author: Peterson Francois
Publisher: iUniverse
ISBN: 978-1475952933
Pages: 224
Genre: Religion & Spirituality
Reviewed by: Christina Avina
Hollywood Book Reviews
Throughout all of our lives, whether you are just starting out your life and building your career, or if you are in the thick of it with an established career and need a boost in either your professional or personal lives, getting advice or seeking the help of others is one of the most well-established paths one can walk in their lives. With so much adversity and challenges waiting along our paths to throw us off kilter, having a helping hand or even a steady voice who has experienced similar struggles to help you along the path is something everyone needs from time to time.
In author Peterson Francois’s Inspirations: My Vivid Imagination Has Been Transformed Into Reality, the author explores a blend of memoir meets self-help and religion style storytelling by examining how his own personal experiences allowed him to find success in life. Born in Haiti and having come to the United States as a teenager, the author explores how his pursuit of education and facing adversity, such as poverty, allowed him to push and gain the strength needed to face these challenges head-on and turn their struggles into success, both in their careers and in life.
The author did a fantastic job of crafting a thought-provoking read. The way the author found the perfect harmony between his memoir-style storytelling of his own personal life experiences; with the more philosophical and educational aspects of the book with his advice and showcasing how his actions led to his success was really perfectly achieved. The author wrote in a clear and relatable way that readers would be able to dive head-first into, and the range of emotions that the author used to highlight the particular hardships and struggles he overcame to illustrate his points made the tools and tips he gave readers feel more rooted in personal experience overall.
This is the perfect read for those who enjoy non-fiction reads, especially those that enjoy a balance of memoir storytelling, philosophical and self-help style structure, and a hint of religion which is infused naturally into the book. The way the author was able to connect faith into the personal experiences and how it influenced his approach to each subject is something many readers are going to be able to connect to. The way the author even managed to explore the differences and hardships of life both in Haiti for Haitian citizens in business and life for immigrants in the United States – and how it applied to the journey he found himself on is so moving and interesting to read.
Thoughtful, engaging, and brilliantly written, author Peterson Francois’s Inspirations: My Vivid Imagination Has Been Transformed Into Reality is a must-read non-fiction book. The way the author managed to keep his own personal story grounded and relatable and used that to connect readers with a path towards success in their own lives will really resonate with people, especially when introducing the paths of faith that the author took when applying these lessons.