Title: Interstellar Roaming
Author: Yank Shi
Publisher: Books Academy
ISBN: 978-1964929057
Pages: 187
Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy
Reviewed by: Christina Avina
Hollywood Book Reviews
One of life’s greatest mysteries will always be humanity’s place in the universe. For so long, humans believed themselves to be the center of the universe, with philosophers and scientists of the time even believing the stars above rotated around us. As time has gone on, and technology advanced, we have come to realize humanity is but one small cog in the machine that is the modern universe. The emergence of science fiction as a genre has allowed writers to theorize and expand upon just how vast and unknown the universe truly is.
In doing so, the genre has given people a voice in their exploration of how they fit into the grand scheme of things in the universe once again. In author Yank Shi’s Interstellar Roaming, the author gives readers a unique glimpse into a physical and spiritual journey throughout the cosmos. A couple who discovers time travel through an accident is gifted a unique device and spell from a divine presence, which allows them to travel to any point in time and space. The book explores ten worlds that the couple happened to explore, and the adventures they went on along the way as they retell their stories to their children in the distant future.
Creativity and thoughtful consideration play a major role in the development of this book. The descriptive writing style and the world building which the author deployed allowed the reader to feel instantly transported, much like the two protagonists of the book, to these strange and fascinating new worlds. The choice to make these worlds part of an entirely separate universe was also inspired, as it played with scientific concepts and spiritual themes while allowing the narrative to stand on its own two legs.
Fans of science fiction, fantasy, and spirituality will instantly be drawn to this narrative. That unique twist in utilizing the main character’s faith as a driving force behind the technology and magic which allowed David and Emily to traverse the cosmos was an inspired choice. Worlds such as the near utopia of Perfee or the chilling nature of the Demon World were astonishing to behold, and the author’s ability to utilize imagery in their writing style allowed the story to stand tall. The rich mythology and fast pacing of the story is enough to keep readers enthralled by the vastness of this and other universes, and the development of David and Emily as characters allows the readers to feel a personal connection and become engaged in their story even more.