Title: Iris House Legacy:  Book I
Author: Barbara Godfrey
Publisher: Gold Touch Press
ISBN: 978-955955874
Pages: 556
Genre: Contemporary Fiction
Reviewed by: Lily Amanda


Hollywood Book Reviews

Iris House Legacy: Book I is a wonderfully unique debut novel by Barbara Godfrey which cycles through the life of Brenda Chalmers; an antsy, single, middle-aged woman. Putting up at a friend’s house, Brenda seeks to find a job and luckily lands herself one at a prestigious firm which attends to VIP clients. She is overjoyed by the opportunity and agrees to oversee a remodeling project, which though energy-draining, pulls her out of her comfort zone to realize her full potential.

In the process, Brenda uncovers several pleasant surprises lurking in the house she is remodeling and her life takes a turn for the best. She has to navigate through forging friendships, connections, and dealing with some of her encountered setbacks.  I was pleasantly surprised by how the author developed the story. Rather than concentrating on the complexities of human nature and storms of life, readers learn about Brenda having one stroke of luck after another. The resolutions of Iris House Legacy teach readers that no situation is permanent and every cloud has its silver lining.

The aura of the author is shown in her strong and poised writing. She brings out the realness of the scenes, and one feels they are right there with the characters watching the events unfold. Brenda is a strong female lead and it did not take long for me to connect with her. Her organizational skills, resoluteness, and self-drive add grace to her character.

This engaging debut novel by Barbara Godfrey leaves me yearning for more of her creative writing. I loved the joyful conclusion of the story; it was something I did not see coming. Iris Life Legacy is a deep journey into the life of a woman looking to find her place in the world while facing the good and the bad life brings her way.

The author intended to create drama, reality, and romance for her debut novel; of which she successfully delivered. Iris House Legacy is perfect for fans of contemporary romance and women’s fiction. Heavily peppered with valuable information on interior design and landscaping, it will undoubtedly captivate readers interested in the two disciplines as well.

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