Title: Jon and Anna
Author: Anita Venturi
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 978-1984529466
Pages: 82
Genre: Literature & Fiction
Reviewed by: Tony Espinoza
Hollywood Book Reviews
The need for love and romance in our lives definitely comes in different levels for us all. For some, having romance and finding that movie-quality partner who makes the whole world feel safe is quintessential to true happiness. For others, love is about finding companionship and friendship without truly needing that “true love” moment. As singer John Legend once said, “I think the thing about love is that even though the things around us change, we as human beings, a lot of the ways we interact, and the ways we love each other is timeless. It requires trust, honesty, commitment, romance, and physical chemistry.”
In author Anita Venturi’s Jon and Anna, the author explores romance through the eyes of two modern people in the digital age. A bilingual novel written as a modern-day understanding of communication in romance, the story follows Jon and Anna as they communicate and build a relationship through their computers. Upon meeting on New Year’s Day, in New York, they find themselves falling for one another. Told through an endless back and forth communication through computer messages, the author explores how people connect with one another in the digital age.
This is a fast paced and beautifully surreal reading experience. The author really hit the mark on originality, not only bringing a bilingual novel into the romance genre, but also telling it in a very unique way. The writing style highlights the communication between modern people finding love in the digital age so poignantly, while also highlighting the chaos and passion which can come from that type of conversation between two people. Although a short read, the author did a brilliant job of developing these characters in such a brief amount of time through descriptive imagery and emotional growth.
The author did a fabulous job of creating a story perfect for readers who enjoy bilingual novels, especially those that encompass the romance genre overall. The author was great at bringing the passion and magic which can come from whirlwind romances while also giving a great commentary on the digital age of romance through some pointed and captivating dialogue that moves the story along.
Memorable, emotional, and gripping as a story, author Anita Venturi’s Jon and Anna is a must-read romance story. The burst of emotions and connection readers will make with the main characters will have readers on the edge of their seats, while the writing itself and utilization of bilingual writing will open the story up to a much larger audience.