Title: Judgement Day: Evil Intentions
Authors: Chakra, Hiim, and Cobra
Publisher: URLink Print & Media, LLC
ISBN: 978-1-64753-651-0
Genre: Fantasy
Pages: 37
Reviewed by: Arthur Thares
Hollywood Book Reviews
Judgement Day is unlike most books you will read. It has a different format than a traditional book, but the bones are there. While this text is much different than readers are used to, it still has redeeming qualities and these authors deserve a chance. It may not be for everyone but it may be just what some people are seeking.
The story follows a group of powerful beings tasked with stopping an evil being called Vilekken before he can carry out an evil plan. It is not written in a traditional paragraph format; instead, it resembles that of a screenplay. Instead of deeply detailed descriptions, the reader is given scenes and actions in parentheses around dialogue. The story’s plot is a unique fantasy story, but it could be fleshed out a little more to provide the reader with a more immersive experience. At only 37 pages, it is a quick read and lends itself to being more of a television episode script than it does a book.
The authors of this story are clearly passionate about their work. They created an intriguing alternate world with multiple realities, and their story could grow into something more significant in the future. Their passion shows in a story that has a strong structure but may have been rushed, unfortunately omitting details which would have been helpful to the reader. It could be that they intended to offer fewer details and allow the readers to fill in that information with their imaginations.
It is my personal opinion this book could use more content, but it may be just the right book for someone looking for fresh ideas. I hope the authors continue to hone their skills and bolster this world they’ve created with many new characters and settings. If they continue their unorthodox writing style, it would be easy to see this book turn into a TV show script.