Title: King Charles of New York City (How a Poor Georgia Farm Boy Became a World Authority on Drug and Alcohol Treatment)
Author: Gary W. Neidhardt
Publisher: Westwood Publishing, LLC
ISBN: 978-1643612614
Pages: 336
Genre: Non-Fiction
Reviewed by: Aaron Washington

Hollywood Book Reviews

King Charles of New York City (How a Poor Georgia Farm Boy Became a World Authority on Drug and Alcohol Treatment) is about the inspiring story of Charles Barnes Towns, a man who rose from humble settings to become the figure who helped stop alcoholism and drug addiction through his experiments.

The first chapter introduces us to Charles B. Towns in his early days. I enjoyed that the author started with this as it gives the reader an idea of who Charles was prior to being known for creating opium cure and other addictions. While reading about Towns’ life I learned that opium and its derivatives morphine and heroin, cocaine, and cannabis were all legal substances in the early1900s. The drugs were actually prescribed by doctors to relieve pain and sleeplessness and were also available for any user.

Towns’ contribution in the medical field was not just providing the cures for substance addiction; he is also credited for aiding in the publication of the book Alcoholics Anonymous. Charles offered as much as fifty percent of the funding that financed the book when loans were hard to come by. The book by Bill Wilson was published in April 1939 and told the stories of thousands of alcoholics and their journey to sobriety. Towns also helped publicize the book as there was a September 30, 1939, Liberty Magazine article and March 1941 Saturday Evening Post feature that promoted the book on a national scale.

It is interesting that Charles Barnes was able to achieve all this despite not being formally educated. Other than his year of birth, and his life in LaGrange, Georgia, very little is known about his education background. The book notes that Charles may not have studied beyond the eighth grade. His persuasive and dominant character made him the person he is known for today. Charles Towns’ story is enough motivation for anyone who wants to break barriers. The man stopped selling insurance in Georgia and moved to New York City where he changed his life and those of others.

Another lesson I learned from Towns’ life is to never give up even when others look down on you. On many occasions, Towns presented his treatment and the formulas he used to physicians but was turned down due to his lack of education. This would discourage anyone, but not Charles Towns. I am glad that Dr. Alexander Lambert, one of the few medical practitioners who paid attention to what Towns had to offer, did so as by agreeing to work with Towns as a lot of patients got help.

King Charles of New York reads like a motivational book. The author took us through the struggles of Charles Towns and showed us how hard work and resilience pays. Reading this book was a wonderful experience. The author highlighted major achievements in the medical sector in the 20th century and showed how alcoholism has been treated over the years. Gary W. Neidhardt wrote a wonderful book which will reside in the memory of all readers for a long time; as long as alcohol and various drugs plague the sobriety of society.

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