Title:  Kissed by a Bear!
Author:  Roberta Huston
Publisher: PageTurner Press and Media
ISBN:  979-8886223385
Pages:  32
Genre:  Children’s  Book
Reviewed by: Barbara Bamberger Scott


Hollywood Book Reviews 

Writer Roberta Huston has composed a vivid recollection surrounding a trip she and her family took when she was young, from Washington State to the wilderness of British Columbia.

Interestingly, Huston allows her brother Jerry, then a teenager, to “tell” the tales, since he had perhaps the greatest understanding among the youngsters of what was going on at the time, and was the one in greatest danger, though fortunately only briefly. The family and that of friends met in Vancouver, heading north to the world renowned Bowron Lake Canoe Circuit. They were equipped with extensive camping gear, having done some nature exploring before, and had canoes strapped to the tops of their three cars. Once they set out on the circuit, Jerry learned that the word “portage” – which sounds so smooth and pleasant – actually involves carrying crushing burdens including the canoes up and down winding trails, sometimes requiring several trips. The very first morning at the campsite, Jerry awoke to see a bear robbing his sister’s backpack, and rushed at it to scare it away, successfully. Thereafter the group took special care to set up alarms like silverware tied to a tree to alert them if bears approached. Canoeing was exciting, though one of Jerry’s younger sisters had to be reminded many times to keep rowing.

Rain brought relief in one way, allowing the campers to set fires in the evenings. Jerry’s father fashioned sails for the crafts when wind became a factor, and there was one more scary meeting with a furry thief, whose nose rubbing was later dubbed as a “kiss” – but not one that the boy would ever wish to repeat.

Huston’s yarns make those days come alive, and she notes that Jerry, now in his sixties, has read them to his grandchildren. Huston has been a nurse who liked to tell her patients soothing stories, so this creative venture is not new to her, but simply another way of giving others a gentle reminder of times past. The many photos included give color to the sometimes-tough situations the group found themselves in and the natural beauty that surrounded them. Huston’s book combines family cohesion with historical references regarding the territories the intrepid campers passed through, and a real sense of the excitement, especially for youngsters, involved in a challenging outing in varied natural settings. It can be enjoyed by other adventurers, to remind them that getting far away from the familiar can be an enjoyable, enlightening experience.

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