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Steamboat Seasons

Title: Steamboat Seasons: The Sequel to Steamboat Seasons and Backwater Battles A Historical Novel
Author: Kendall D Gott
Publisher: Covenant Books
ISBN: 978-1636300788
Pages: 328
Genre: Literature / Historical Fiction
Reviewed by: Jack Chambers

Hollywood Book Reviews 

One thing which people often fail to realize as wars ravage our world is what happens to us all in the aftermath of that war. So preoccupied with the horrors going on during the war, the hard

One Lifetime is Not Enough

Title:  One Lifetime is Not Enough
Author:  Rex Nelson
Publisher:  URLink Print & Media, LLC
ISBN:  1647538432
Pages:  298
Genre:  Inspiration & Spirituality
Reviewed by:  Lisa Brown-Gilbert

Hollywood Book Reviews 

Author Rex Nelson Greenwald’s, One Lifetime Is Not Enough, offers readers access to the endearing and ultimately inspirational life’s journey of Timothy Coy. His is a journey replete with spiritual awakening as well as many sage life lessons, especially focused on when it comes

Lt. Williams on the Color Front

Title: Lt. Williams on the Color Front
Author: Christopher C. Bell Jr.
Publisher: America Star Books
ISBN: 978-1681768373
Pages: 196
Genre: Literature & Fiction / Historical Fiction
Reviewed by: Tony Espinoza

Hollywood Book Reviews 

For many in the world, the fight to end discrimination has become one of the biggest and longest fought battles they will ever tackle. In a world with a long and storied history of violence and rapid discrimination based on

Black, White, and Gray All Over

Title:  Black, White, and Gray All Over: A Black Man’s Odyssey in Life and Law Enforcement
Author:  Frederick Reynolds
Publisher: ‎ MindStir Media
ISBN: 1638485216
Pages: ‎ 396
Genre:  Memoir
Reviewed by:  David Allen

Hollywood Book Reviews 

Every once in a great while, a book comes along that truly captures the spirit of the times. Black, White, and Gray All Over: A Black Man’s Odyssey in Life and Law Enforcement is one of those books.

Our society is beset

Escape From Ukraine

Title: Escape From Ukraine: One Man’s Journey to The Black Sea
Author: Ward R. Anderson
Publisher: Inks & Bindings
Pages: TBA
Genre: Historical Fiction / Family Saga / Coming of Age
Reviewed by: Lily Amanda

Hollywood Book Reviews

Escape From Ukraine: One Man’s Journey to The Black Sea is a sweeping historical novel by author Ward R. Anderson. Set against the backdrop of Stalin’s horrifying regime, Nazi occupation of Ukraine, postwar Communism, and Russia’s

The Faithful Dog

Title: The Faithful Dog: A Civil War Story
Author: Terry Lee Caruthers
Publisher: Black Rose Writing
ISBN: 978-1-68433-978-5
Genre: Historical Fiction
Pages: 216
Reviewed by: Arthur Thares

Hollywood Book Reviews 

There is just something about a story about a dog which immediately attaches itself to your heart. Even though this book is a work of fiction, it is based on actual events patchworked together by author Terry Lee Caruthers’s dedicated researched and filled in with some imaginative interpretation. After reading this novel, you

Finding Magdalena

Title: Finding Magdalena
Author: Shannon Condon
Publisher: Rowanvale Books Ltd.
ISBN: 978-1912655311
Pages: 370
Genre: Thriller / Drama
Reviewed by: Liz Konkel

Hollywood Book Reviews 

Maggie Curran has lost everything. During her Freshman year, her parents are killed in an accident, leaving her to work through her grief at boarding school, and with the help of her best friend (who may also be in love with her), she makes it through another year. Her new

Dark Nights – First in the Until Dawn Series

Title: Dark Nights – First in the Until Dawn Series
Author: Jordan E. Walker
Publisher: Writer’s Branding
ISBN: 978-1954341159
Pages: 180
Genre: Fantasy
Reviewed By: Susan Brown

Hollywood Book Reviews            

This imaginative fantasy begins in mystery with an enigmatic cloaked figure who magically disappears in a poof of smoke. That is just one of the many mystifying and fanciful events which take place in Dark Nights – First in the Until Dawn Series, the first installment of this storyline by author

The Evolutionary Cosmos

Title: The Evolutionary Cosmos: Outside-In Thinking the Universe
Authors: Richard Westberg and Cal Orey
Publisher: AuthorHouse
ISBN: 978-1-6655-5472-5
Pages: 126
Genre: Science / Cosmology
Reviewed by:  Jason Lulos

Hollywood Book Reviews 

A theory of everything? The Legos of the Universe? Speculative works in theoretical physics, such as The Evolutionary Cosmos, sometimes seem to contain elements of mysticism and that is because, in their ruminations about the mysteries of the Universe and the bizarre manifestations of quantum

Becoming The Admiral’s Wife

Title: Becoming The Admiral’s Wife – A Dual Memoir of a Called Pair
Author:  Cecily Watson Kelln
Publisher: Proisle Publishing Services, LLC
ISBN: 1737525550
Pages: 420
Genre: Memoir
Reviewed by: Margie Przybylski

Hollywood Book Reviews 

One of the most interesting memoirs I have ever read – Becoming the Admiral’s Wife is the story of Cecily Watson Kelln’s life and her journey in love and marriage to her husband. What is interesting is the

Quoting Matilda

Title: Quoting Matilda: The Words and History of a Forgotten Suffragist
Author: Susan Savion
Publisher: PageTurner Press and Media
ISBN: 9798886221404
Pages: 184
Genre: Women’s Studies History
Reviewed by: Tony Espinoza


Hollywood Book Reviews 

There have been many movements over the years that bring a group of people together in an effort to fight against oppression and for equality. Equality can be a difficult thing to accomplish, as longstanding prejudices and viewpoints which have been embedded into a person’s heart since

Naughty Nata

Title: Naughty Nata
Author: Donna Deal
Publisher: Mainspring Books
ISBN: 978-1641336840
Pages: 52
Genre: Action & Adventure Erotica
Reviewed by: Jack Chambers


Hollywood Book Reviews 


Of the many life lessons we learn at an early age, learning to always speak the truth is often the first and most important rule we are given. For in telling the truth, honesty and open communication help build and improve a relationship, whereas a lie can take hold

E Troubled Destiny

Title: E-Troubled Destiny: Can Love Grow Out of Chaos?
Author: R. Drew Springfield
Publisher: Pageturner Press and Media
ISBN: 979-8886221527
Genre: Romance/ General Fiction
Pages: 320
Reviewed by: Lily Amanda

Hollywood Book Reviews 

 E-Troubled Destiny: Can Love Grow Out of Chaos? is an intelligently written book by R. Drew Springfield. The text follows Elaine, an American woman whose life is upended after her marriage crumbles leaving her frustrated and weary. With a rebellious 16-year-old daughter to take care of too, Elaine concludes that

Yesterday Revealed The Florida Keys

Title: Yesterday Revealed The Florida Keys: Hubris of Pretension
Author: Kerry Kwiecinski
Publisher: Go To Publish
ISBN: 978-1647494865
Genre: Historical, Romance, Adventure
Pages: 316
Reviewed by: Lily Amanda

Hollywood Book Reviews            

In this evocative text, author Kwiecinski introduces readers to Amy, Geo, Tucket, and Maryanne, who are out kayaking in Content Keys, an island in Monroe County, Florida. The four encounter three dead bodies and their beautiful trip is suddenly marred by

Easy 8: The Big Event

Title: Easy 8: The Big Event
Author: Carrolyn Foster
Publisher: Tate Pub & Enterprises LLC
ISBN: 1683529391
Pages: 28
Genre: Children’s Books
Reviewed by: Liz Konkel

Hollywood Book Reviews 

Easy 8: The Big Event is a fun story for children of all ages with vibrant illustrations, humorous dialogue, and a delightful depiction of bull riding that weave in a focus on giving thanks to Mother Earth for everything she has provided.

The bulls have prepared for the last bull riding event of the season where

Hell’s Fury Unleashed

Title: Hell’s Fury Unleashed
Author: Francisco Nieto
Publisher: PageTurner Press and Media, LLC
ISBN: 979-8886220438
Pages: 262
Genre: Literature & Fiction / Action & Adventure
Reviewed by: Jack Chambers

Hollywood Book Reviews 

In recent years, one of the planets biggest concerns has been the clashes with catastrophe in which we, as a species, have had to face. From the environmental disasters threatening our planet due to climate change, to dangerous rhetoric facing once civilized countries, and the never-ending threat of nuclear war over

Veil Not Fail

Title: Veil Not Fail: Protecting Your Personal Assets from Business Attacks (Rich Dad Advisor Series)
Author: Garrett Sutton, Esq.
Publisher: BZK Press (May 3, 2022)
ISBN: 978-1947588165
Pages: 192
Genre: Law / Corporate Governance
Reviewed by: Anthony Avina

Hollywood Book Reviews 

It is said for all of the world’s best creative outlets and political movements, it is business which truly keeps the world running. Money and power come from the businesses which succeed in

Living The Miracles

Title:  Living The Miracles: A Sailor’s Life in the Nuclear Power Age
Author:  Albert Lee Kelln
Publisher:  Proisle Publishing Service
ISBN: ‎1737871262
Pages:  220
Genre:  Memoir
Reviewed by:  David Allen

Hollywood Book Reviews

“When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” This phrase, characterizing heroes, tough guys, and idealists, certainly suits (Ret.) Admiral Albert Lee Kelln, the author of this remarkable and truly inspiring memoir.  Kelln’s memoir serves up a hearty

An Irishman by Now

Title: An Irishman by Now: An American Boy’s Tale of Passion and Discovery in Rural Ireland
Author: R. Michael McEvilley
Publisher: Go To Publish
ISBN:  978-1-64749-666-1
Pages: 305
Genre: Contemporary, Coming-of-Age, Romance
Reviewed by: Lily Amanda

Hollywood Book Reviews

An Irishman by Now: An American Boy’s Tale of Passion and Discovery in Rural Ireland is an introspective coming-of-age tale by R. Michael McEvilley. Mickey Monaghan grows up on a family farm in Ireland, after relocating from the United States with his

White Storks of Mercy: Book One-Formation

Title: White Storks of Mercy: Book One-Formation
Author:  Joni Anderson van Berkel
Publisher: jponipress
ISBN: 978-0-578-95780-7
Pages: 345
Genre: Epic Fantasy, Time Travel, Magical Realism, Mythology
Reviewed by: Margie Przybylski

Hollywood Book Reviews 

The first book of the White Storks of Mercy trilogy, titled “Formation” is an intriguing work of fiction written by Joni Anderson van Berkel. The author weaves imagination with Egyptian mythology and history. The main characters are two storks named Re

All’s Forgotten Now

Title:  All’s Forgotten Now
Author:  Michael S. Ripley
Publisher: ‎ Brilliant Books Literary
ISBN: ‎ 978-1728328171
Pages: ‎ 166
Genre:  Fiction /Thriller/Fantasy/Horror
Reviewed by:Jake Bishop

Hollywood Book Reviews            

Initially, you think you’re getting involved in a police procedural. There’s a murder in a Silicon Valley city. Cops converge on the crime scene. The main investigator, ex-Los Angeles homicide detective Ramos, seems like the prototypical protagonist. He’s got a marriage that’s falling apart. A daughter growing up

When Hope Is Your Only Option

Title: When Hope Is Your Only Option
Subtitle:  One Man’s Brave Journey Through Life’s Adversity
Author:  Jim Stavis
Publisher: URLink Print and Media, LLC
ISBN: 978-1-68486-079-1
Pages: 220
Genre: Self-Help
Reviewed by: Margie Przybylski

Hollywood Book Reviews 

Jim Stavis’ life journey in battling diabetes and other health issues serves as inspiration to others in his Self-Help book titled When Hope is Your Only Option. He begins his book describing his most recent encounter with a health issue – the doctor explaining the dire circumstances of


Title: Heatherbound
Author: Dorrine Simmering
Publisher: PageTurner, Press and Media, LLC
ISBN: 978-1649084224
Pages: 282
Genre: Science Fiction
Reviewed by:  Jennifer Bailey

Hollywood Book Reviews            

A group of people who have become disenchanted with the politics of Earth, and long for a simpler life have settled upon a new planet; Heatherbound. But the group soon discovers that their paradise is not as perfect as it seems; it has no resources and they need to reach out to Earth to obtain resources

The Cupid Chronicles

Title: The Cupid Chronicles
Author: Dennis Copelan
Publisher: Apricot Springs Publishing
ISBN: 978-1737712206
Pages: 328
Genre: Action & Adventure Romance / Science Fiction / Fantasy
Reviewed by: Christina Avina



Hollywood Book Reviews            

When it comes to the complex feelings and emotions that can brew with people who have fallen in love, there are a multitude of ways in which the human race have decided to express their emotions. From writing poetry to singing songs, creative

Reflections in a Paper Moon Volume 1

Title: Reflections in a Paper Moon Volume 1: Beginning Passage
Author: L.A. Espriux
Publisher: PageTurner Press and Media, LLC
ISBN: 979-8-88622-087-2
Pages: 694
Genre: Non-fiction / Biographies & Memoirs
Reviewed by: Jack Chambers

Hollywood Book Reviews 

One of the best ways for a person or group of people to grow together is to go through a period of self-reflection. By reflecting on recent actions or choices in our lives, or the events of our