The XYZ Mystery
Title: The XYZ Mystery
Author: George S. Haines
Publisher: PageTurner Press and Media
ISBN: 9781638715327
Pages: 260
Genre: Mystery
Reviewed by: Anita Lock
Hollywood Book Reviews
Two teen boys—one intrepid with a penchant for curiosity, the other cautious yet excellent with clues—find out more than they bargain for when they discover an underground room in The XYZ Mystery.
The year is 1939 in Grantor County, Indiana, where thirteen-year-old Sam Hames and his family live on his grandfather’s homestead: Haybend Farm. The old farmland holds a
The Loving Heart
Title: The Loving Heart: A Son Who Did Not Know His Father
Author: Assaf Sawaya
Publisher: Page Publishing, Inc
ISBN: 978-1-6624-1422-0
Genre: Non-Fiction
Pages: 302
Reviewed by: Suzanne Gattis
Hollywood Book Reviews
This story of a man finding his pathway back to “home” is a story of mistakes, courage and redemption. At time also impossible to believe, The Loving Heart-A Son Who Did Not Know His Father, takes us on an adventure of a lifetime; one that almost cost him his future in this
Horizon Highway
Title: Horizon Highway
Author: J. D. Walthall
Publisher: Westwood Books Publishing
ISBN: 978-1648035586
Pages: 202
Genre: Fiction / Crime / Mainstream Literature
Reviewed by: Jake Bishop
Hollywood Book Reviews
William Faulkner wrote, “The past is never dead. It is not even past.” This reference to being haunted by things that happen in our lives is an apt description of author J. D. Walthall’s novel, Horizon Highway. The book examines the ramifications of a tragic event
Young Adolf
Title: Young Adolf: An Alternate History
Author: Frank P. Daversa
Publisher: Pageturner Press and Media
ISBN: 978-1638715399
Pages: 384
Genre: Literature & Fiction/Genre Fiction
Reviewed by: Tony Espinoza
Hollywood Book Reviews
At one point or another in every person’s life, the concept of a legacy comes into our minds. Something of ourselves that can be left behind after our life is complete, that will live on when we do not. Whether that legacy is one of hope, love, or unwittingly of blood and chaos,
Life Rolls Along
Title: Life Rolls Along
Author: Linda Nielsen
Publisher: Touch Point Press
Pages: 379
Genre: Fiction
Reviewed by: Aaron Washington
Hollywood Book Reviews
Life Rolls Along is a rousing book which will have you engrossed from the very first page. Author Linda Nielsen’s writing is exemplary, fascinating and genuinely engaging. The author’s use and style of narration is outstanding. When reading her book, the reader gets a sense of being in the same room
Life…and That Other Thing
Title: Life…and That Other Thing
Author: John Nieman
Publisher: Gold Touch Press
ISBN: 978-1-955955-79-9
Genre: Flash Fiction
Pages: 119
Reviewed by: Arthur Thares
Hollywood Book Reviews
One genre which never seems to get the love it deserves is short fiction. People love to watch short videos online or highlights from a sports game, but they don’t give the same attention to flash fiction. Yet, when done right, flash fiction is an excellent genre because it allows the reader to
From Penguins to Paradise
Title: From Penguins to Paradise: My Life as an Advertising Man
Author: Paddy Hayes
Publisher: Great Writers Media
ISBN: 1954908733
Pages: 164
Genre: Memoir
Reviewed by: David Allen
Hollywood Book Reviews
We live in a perpetual and perfect storm of billboards, television commercials and other forms of advertising – too numerous to mention. The advertising blitz has become such a cultural norm most of us simply take it for granted, even consoling ourselves that
Iris House Legacy: Book I
Title: Iris House Legacy: Book I
Author: Barbara Godfrey
Publisher: Gold Touch Press
ISBN: 978-955955874
Pages: 556
Genre: Contemporary Fiction
Reviewed by: Lily Amanda
Hollywood Book Reviews
Iris House Legacy: Book I is a wonderfully unique debut novel by Barbara Godfrey which cycles through the life of Brenda Chalmers; an antsy, single, middle-aged woman. Putting up at a friend’s house, Brenda seeks to find a job and luckily lands herself one at a prestigious firm which attends to VIP clients. She is overjoyed
Under Vesuvius
Title: Under Vesuvius: A Reflective Travelogue in Verse and Prose
Author: Richard Haffey
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 1664169385
Genre: History / Poetry
Pages: 240
Reviewed by: David Allen
Hollywood Book Reviews
Under Vesuvius: A Reflective Travelogue in Verse and Prose is an absorbing and generous recap of the author’s fascinations: Pompei, Herculaneum, Italy, medieval religion, medieval art, travel, science, and the environment. Author Richard Haffey, in the guise of narrating his travels to Italy, encompasses and explains
The Giant Horseshoe Mystery
Title: The Giant Horseshoe Mystery
Author: George S. Haines
Publisher: PageTurner Press and Media
ISBN: 978-1638710332
Pages: 139
Genre: Fiction / Mystery / Cozy Mystery
Reviewed by: Jake Bishop
Hollywood Book Reviews
Boys getting into mischief and winding up in the middle of potentially dangerous situations is a staple of literature for young people. As far back as the 1870s, Mark Twain was regaling readers with The Adventures of Tom Sawyer followed by The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Countless variations followed and moved
Title: Mega-Nightmare
Author: John Nieman
Publisher: PageTurner Press and Media
ISBN: 1649087098
Pages: 108
Genre: Mystery
Reviewed by: David Allen
Hollywood Book Reviews
Mega-Nightmare, a novel by John Nieman, begins like this: “Over a million people buy Mega-Million lottery tickets every Tuesday and Friday.”
If you are one of those million people, this story will whet your appetite–for big winnings and possibly for other books by John Niemann. The characters in this novel, Danny and Meghan Banks and their teenage daughter Casey, find
The Year of Jubilee
Title: The Year of Jubilee
Author: David Rice
Publisher: URLink Print & Media, LLC
ISBN: 978-1647537081
Genre: Political Fiction
Pages: 290
Reviewed by: Philip Zozzaro
Hollywood Book Reviews
What would the act of forgiveness mean when applied to a person’s financial obligations? How would that improve their standing? What if you extended this act to every available citizen? Michael Hamilton is a beloved husband and father. His life has hit a fork in the road, as his pastorship at a church has come
Please Get off the Tilt-a-Whirl
Title: Please Get off the Tilt-a-Whirl
Author: Barbara F. Williams
Publisher: PageTurner Press and Media, LLC
ISBN: 9781638713494
Pages: 162
Genre: Parenting & Relationships
Reviewed by: Rae Capri
Hollywood Book Reviews
Parenthood is an honorable role that many people would experience at least once in their life. Some were to have a large family, while others were appreciative of receiving the blessing of a few children. Individuals who accept the responsibility of creating and raising a new life can attest to the many
Secrets Are Out Now
Title: Secrets Are Out Now: How a Girl Overcomes the World
Author: Crystal Rivers
Publisher: Gold Touch Press
ISBN: 1982243090
Pages: 272
Genre: Memoir
Reviewed by: Nicole Olson
Hollywood Book Reviews
Crystal Rivers’ tell-all memoir Secrets Are Out Now – How a Girl Overcomes the World shares the gruesome story of her life of survival. All throughout her life, Crystal is met with hardship and disappointment. A talented singer, dancer and loving mother – she lays it all out on the table and tells
The Popes’ Book
Title: The Popes’ Book: A Novel
Author: C. F. Gayetty
Publisher: C. F. Gayetty
ISBN: 978-1-7360385-1-2
Pages: 495
Genre: Historical Fiction
Reviewed by: Jason Lulos
Hollywood Book Reviews
The Popes’ Book is an epic disguised as historical fiction. Reading this novel conjured themes from Paradise Lost, John Gardner’s Grendel, and even Gregory Macguire’s Wicked. Getting the villain’s perspective is a fantastic and provocative way of looking at a narrative or mythology from a totally different perspective. This
Daughter of Destiny: Final Victory
Title: Daughter of Destiny: Final Victory
Author: Jennifer Thomas
Publisher: Christian Faith Publishing
Pages: 184
Genre: Spiritual Biography
Reviewed by: Tony Espinoza
Hollywood Book Reviews
Through life’s most difficult moments and tumultuous experiences, one of the best things a person can do for themselves is exercise patience. Being patient not only allows us to take a step back and examine a difficult scenario through fresh eyes, but it allows us to come to a conclusion not out of pure emotion,
Under His Wings
Title: Under His Wings
Author: Rosemary Fisher
Publisher: Christian Faith Publishing, Inc
ISBN: 978-1-0980-8315-1
Genre: Christian Romance
Pages: 332
Reviewed by: Allison Walker
Hollywood Book Reviews
When his father is diagnosed with cancer, it only seems right Coop should quit college and move back home. After all, he loves the farm and his family needs him. Becky has also recently moved back home after a college fling led to pregnancy. She loves her daughter
Grace, Mercy, and Love
Title: Grace, Mercy, and Love
Author: Maxine Chisholm
Publisher: Page Turner Press and Media, LLC
ISBN: 978-1638715191
Pages: 140
Genre: Memoir, Christian
Reviewed by: Lily Amanda
Hollywood Book Reviews
Grace, Mercy and Love is an emotive and moving memoir by Maxine Chisholm that lets readers into her life while giving real-life testimonies about the remarkable transformation of her life through God’s loving mercy and grace.
Author Chisholm accentuates that the Holy Spirit inspired her to write her life story as a survival guide to
Soaring Eagle with Many Coups
Title: Soaring Eagle with Many Coups
Author: James Safreno
Publisher: GoldTouch Press, LLC
ISBN: 1952155673
Pages: 614
Genre: Fiction
Reviewed by: Aaron Washington
Hollywood Book Reviews
Soaring Eagle with Many Coups ’follows the story of James York, among other characters. I enjoyed reading about James York, his family, history, and how he related to others. The author takes the reader on a trip down memory lane, in the 1800s, where life for the average Native American, and everyone else, was different.
The Soulmate Prophecy
Title: The Soulmate Prophecy – Book 3: The Revelation
Author: Yasmina Haque
Publisher: MainSpring Books
ISBN: B09C1567DV
Pages: 277
Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy
Reviewed by: Tony Espinoza
Hollywood Book Reviews
The search to find love is a journey we all must take at one point or another in our lives. There are very distinct types of love which we all either search for or crave. The love of a parent, the love for a child, the
Holier Than Thou
Title: Holier Than Thou
Author: Constantine Grey
Publisher: URLink Print & Media, LLC
ISBN: 978-1-64753-958-0
Genre: Political Science, Religious Study
Pages: 76
Reviewed by: David Allen
Hollywood Book Reviews
This slim but bounteous volume is an education in history, religion, and most of all, in sanity. Holier Than Thoutakes a much-needed look at major world religions from the point of view of their irrational and historical antecedents. The book’s specific focus is on the so-called ‘Abrahamic’ traditions – Christianity, Islam, and
The Isle of the Dragon
Title: The Isle of the Dragon: The Last Flight of the Bugs Bunny
Author: Rolf Stibbe
Publisher: Author Reputation Press, LLC
ISBN: 978-1649612939
Pages: 194
Genre: Literature & Fiction/Genre Fiction
Reviewed by: Anthony Avina
Hollywood Book Reviews
At one point or another in every person’s life, a hero emerges. Whether that hero is a work of fiction which we as children idolize, or a fireman who blazes into an inferno to rescue a mother, or even a beloved parent who sacrifices everything for
The Pockets of My Brain
Title: The Pockets of My Brain
Author: Constance Breen
Publisher: PageTurner Press and Media
ISBN: 978-1477157770
Pages: 164
Genre: Literature & Fiction/Poetry
Reviewed by: Christina Avina
Hollywood Book Reviews
The emotional highs and lows in life are often such an inner struggle we all have to face at one point or another in our lives. Finding the right outlet or path in which to come to terms with those moments, stay with us in life, and are often some of the more difficult
Title: Chance of Precipitation
Title: Chance of Precipitation
Author: Scott Miller
Publisher: Author Reputation Press, LLC
ISBN: 978-1649617187
Pages: 258
Genre: Literature & Fiction/Dramas & Plays
Reviewed by: Tony Espinoza
Hollywood Book Reviews
At one point in all of our lives, we as a civilization have had to face change in one form or another. Whether it is a small, personal change in our daily lives, or the change which comes from the evolution of our society as a whole, change comes for us all, and it
Daughter of Destiny
Title: Daughter of Destiny
Author: Jennifer Thomas
Publisher: Christian Faith Publishing, Inc
ISBN: 978-1-64416-721-2
Genre: Memoir
Pages: 150
Reviewed by: Ella Vincent
Hollywood Book Reviews
Daughter of Destiny is a compelling memoir that shows the importance of prayer and faith. Jennifer Thomas has written a book that will resonate with readers.
Daughter of Destiny tells the story of Jennifer Thomas, a woman who encounters several misfortunes in her life. Thomas writes about being a sexual abuse survivor while suffering from a traumatic childhood. She