Title: Liberty and the Wall of Separation Between Church and State
Author: Robert J. O’Keefe
Publisher: PageTurner Press and Media
ISBN: 978-1649086983
Pages: 196
Genre: History of Religion & Politics/Church & State Religious Studies
Reviewed by: Anthony Avina
Hollywood Book Reviews
One of the most talked about political issues since the founding of our nation has always been the separation of church and state. The founding of this nation came on the heels of people seeking to escape persecution from the monarchy in Britain, and in establishing the nation the founding fathers sought to keep religion separate from the government. Yet there is a differing of opinions when it comes to how this applies to politics. As Stephen Colbert once said, “We have this idea in our minds that there’s this separation of church and state in America, which I think is a good thing. And we extend that to our politics – not just church and state, but it’s also there’s a separation of religion and politics. But of course, there isn’t.”
In author Robert J. O’Keefe’s Liberty and the Wall, the author dives deeply into the founding father’s arguments for separation of church and state and how their own infusion of their religious beliefs into their work upholds this argument, and argues against the idea of a separation of religion from politics itself. Studying this controversial topic at length, the author explores the true meaning and origin of liberty in the United States, and how historical moments and movements such as the Federalist vs Anti-Federalist movement or the debates between Lincoln and Douglass can shape our understanding of what the founding father’s true intentions were and the importance of the wall separating church and state can be, while not excluding belief altogether.
This is a fascinating read. The author does an incredible job of crafting a detailed argument with a blend of facts and faith many readers will be drawn to. The author’s thoughtful and almost philosophical approach to the subject was a breath of fresh air, while the combination of historical and religious facts helped a great deal to support his argument. The exploration itself of history and the founding father’s intentions themselves was a unique subject to approach, as it is crucial to understanding the separation of church and state as a whole. While the wall described by the author is necessary, it is true as well that religion has never fully been separated from the lawmakers and the founding fathers of the nation as a whole.
This is the perfect read for those who enjoy non-fiction books pertaining to politics, religion and the separation of the two. It is always good to hear the thoughts and feelings of another’s point of view, and the argument made for keeping the wall separating church and state while also leaving room for individual beliefs to come into play is a truly unique argument.
A gripping, thoughtful and detailed approach to a sensitive topic of discussion in the United States, author Robert J. O’Keefe’s Liberty and the Wall is a must-read non-fiction and politically driven read. The author’s ability to command attention with his writing and the close examination of this topic makes for an interesting read, and leaves room for readers to talk with one another and discuss this topic at length to gain a truly better understanding.