Title: Lord Santa’s Review
Author: Sarah Mirza
Publisher: Austin Macauley Publishing
ISBN: 978-1787102873
Pages: 464
Genre: Children’s Fantasy & Magic Books
Reviewed by: Anthony Avina
Hollywood Book Reviews
For many people around the world, there is a need to search for and understand one’s place in the universe. While some pursue a more scientific approach, other’s look towards the world of spiritualism to find that purpose. As Deepak Chopra once said, “Enlightened leadership is spiritual if we understand spirituality not as some kind of religious dogma or ideology but as the domain of awareness where we experience values like truth, goodness, beauty, love and compassion, and also intuition, creativity, insight and focused attention.”
In author Sarah Mirza’s Lord Santa’s Review, the author explores a fantastic world where the iconic legend of Santa gets a YA fantasy spin with a major theme of spiritualism. The story follows Ash, a light warrior who returns to Santa’s grotto after being gone for three years in order to get her review. However, after expecting a reprimand, she discovers instead a welcome reception, and discovers her powers and connection to the higher universe overall is far greater than she had ever imagined. After Santa discovers it is time for people to move on to the next level, a powerful breach in Earth’s energy grid forces Ash and her new team to investigate immediately. Ash will have to prove to the Order and herself she is the Light Warrior everyone believes her to be.
This is a truly unique and fascinating approach to the fantasy genre. The reader will be pleasantly surprised as they are greeted by a far different and more powerful version of Santa and his true purpose. The integration of spiritualism, energy and dimensions was an inspired choice, blending mythology with spiritualism in a natural way. The author has crafted both memorable characters and a deeper mythos that explores the nature of the universe itself and consciousness, two things that have become a primary source of inspiration both in fiction and non-fiction settings.
This book is perfect for those who enjoy children’s books and YA fantasy reads, deep mythological novels and twists on classic or iconic figures like Santa. As a fan of the genre and the figure, it was refreshing to see such a change of pace for the mythology. Blending in concepts that for me personally as both a reader and a paranormal enthusiast fascinate me such as higher dimensions and energy manipulations was a creative and imaginative new take on the mythos overall.
Thought-provoking, engaging and highly entertaining, author Sarah Mirza’s Lord Santa’s Review is a magnificent read. Incredibly detailed and lengthy, this narrative really pulls the reader in immediately and grants a new perspective on the fantasy genre overall that will breathe new life into the world overall.